

亚洲设计学院 景观周 2022-09-11

The most worthy 8 classes in 2021
Thai Design Master Series Online Lectures

 溯    源 



本次系列讲座邀请的八位大师,涵盖景观建筑专业,均在国际上享有较高的知名度,设计作品也在国内外获奖无数。他们生于泰国,学成于西方国家,多背景的求学与工作经历,让他们都能在设计上都有着超于本土的设计追求与哲学。从各位大师的专业研究与设计倾向方面讲,不管是Chatpong Chuenrudeemol对“曼谷杂种”深度研究,还是Boonserm Premthada近期对大象博物馆的社会性建筑设计,以及景观方面Kotchakorn Voraakhom对于解决城市环境问题的回应等等,他们对设计的追求是似乎是被赋予了一定社会责任与价值存在。所以从某种意义上讲,他们于细微之处挖掘了泰国本土的设计价值,也用实力串起了整个当代泰国构建的设计文化。


 Lecture highlights 

一、独家资源 | 独家邀请泰国设计知名景观建筑设计大师,首次联合倾力分享;
Exclusive resources | Exclusive invitation to well-known landscape architects and architects from Thailand, for the first time joint efforts to share;
二、专业主持 | 由多年致力于研究东南亚建筑景观,推动中泰设计交流的洪人杰先生和Kulthida Songkittipakdee担任主持;
Professional host | Jenchieh Hung and Kulthida Songkittipakdee, who have been committed to studying the architectural landscape of Southeast Asia for many years and promoting the design exchanges between China and Thailand, will be the host;
三、双语交流 | 讲座均由专业人士中英文翻译;
Bilingual communication | Lectures are translated by professionals in Chinese and English;
四、交流对话 | 与大师对话,现场问答
Dialogue | Dialogue with the master and get the opportunity to communicate,on-site Q&A;
五、突破界限 | 线上分享,打破地理局限,畅听无碍;
Breaking boundaries | Share online, break geographic limitations and listen without hindrance;
六、特别福利 | 在校学生可以凭学生证免费参加讲座;
Special benefits | Students can attend the lecture free of charge with their Student ID;

 Lecture schedule 

 Lecture details 

Organizer:LA_bang、Landscape week 、The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA)、Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA)
Location: Asian Design Institute+Zoom Online Lecture
platform:hhlloo Website、Asia Habitat Landscape Award

 Registration details 





授课方式:亚洲设计学院 / 视频直播(可通过手机、电脑、电视投屏观看及长期回放,直播可互动提问,课后在学员微信群交流,本课程不便提供课件。)


 一 GUEST :Pok Attaporn KobkongsantiTIME:Friday, April 2 at 8:00 PM

5 project list
1 SUNAC Grand Milestones In Art Center, Xi’An
2 Yanlord Times Garden Hangzhou

3 Yanlord Jingan Century Shanghai
4 Botanica Khaoyai
5 La Vela Khaolak

Pok Kobkongsanti领导着一个由设计师和施工主管联合组成的团队TROP。Pok 是哈佛大学设计研究生院的学生,他对天然材料具有浓厚的兴趣,喜欢石材,木材,水,光线和声音。这种兴趣在公司的项目中体现的很明显,包括从度假村和住宅社区到雕塑和可持续项目,凭借20年的设计经验,Pok Kobkongsanti最近被景观设计师网评为世界十大景观设计师之一。他还获得了香港《透视》杂志授予的40个40岁以下国际设计师大奖。

Pok Kobkongsanti heads up a team of designers and construction supervisors that coalesce to form TROP. A Harvard Graduate School of Design student, Pok has an affinity for natural materials, favouring stone, wood, water, light and sound.

This fondness is evident in the firm's projects, ranging from resorts and residential communities, to sculptures and sustainable projects.

With 20 years of experiences, recently Pok Kobkongsant is ranked as one of the Top 10 Landscape Architects in the World by the Landscape Architects Net- work . He is also a recipient of 40 under 40 Awards for International Designers by Perspective Magazine, Hong Kong.


△ SUNAC Grand Milestones In Art Center, Xi’An

△ Botanica Khaoyai
△ La Vela Khaolak

GUEST:Chatpong Chuenrudeemol
TIME:Friday, April 9 at 8:00 PM

 5 project list
1. Bangkok Bastards Research

2. SalaAreeya
3. Nanda Heritage Hotel
4. Hotel Labaris
5. Samsen STREET Hotel

Chatpong "Chat" Chuenrudeemol1994年获得了伯克利大学的建筑学学士学位、2000年在哈佛大学设计研究生院获得建筑学硕士学位。在美国完成学业后,查特(Chat)回到他的曼谷出生地,成立了CHAT建筑事务所,这是一种将研究与设计结合起来的实践,从而产生了大量不同尺度的创新型项目,旨在通过重新诠释真实的当地条件来刺激社区。在2015年,他创建了CHAT实验室,这是一个研究智囊团,旨在发现泰国俗称“曼谷杂种”的新泰国本土“街道”类型。2020年,Chat与MIT建筑学院共同设计了一个研究生设计工作室,名为“ Angsila: A Hybrid Thai Coastal Urbanism”。Chat还曾在泰国的许多大学任教。2020年,Chat获得了泰国文化部颁发的泰国声望最高的Silpathorn奖,这是该国当代艺术家的最高奖项。他还获得了由皇家赞助人(ASA)的暹罗建筑师协会颁发的2017年泰国新兴建筑师金牌。Chat的作品已在国内外展出,包括在日本TOTO Gallery Ma于2015年举办的30周年展览“The Asian Everyday”中展出。

Chatpong "Chat" Chuenrudeemol obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from U.C. Berkeley in 1994 and his Masters of Architecture at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design in 2000.  After completing his studies in the US, Chat returned to his birthplace of Bangkok to form CHAT ­architects, a practice combining research and design, resulting in innovative multi-scalar projects that aim to stimulate community through strategies that re-interpret authentic local conditions . In 2015, he created CHAT lab, a research think tank aimed at discovering new Thai vernacular "street" typologies, affectionately called Bangkok Bastards.  

In 2020, Chat co-taught a graduate design studio at MIT School of Architecture, entitled "Angsila: A Hybrid Thai Coastal Urbanism" .  Chat has also taught at various universities in Thailand, including Chulalongkorn University, Rangsit University, and KMUTT (King Mongkut University of Technology, Thonburi). 

In 2020, Chat received Thailand's prestigious Silpathorn Award, the country's highest award for contemporary artists, presented by the Ministry of Culture of Thailand.  He was also awarded the gold medal for Thailand's Emerging Architect in 2017, presented by the Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA). Chat's work has been exhibited both at home and abroad, including in Japan's TOTO Gallery Ma in the 30th Anniversary exhibition entitled "The Asian Everyday" in 2015. 


△ Samsen Street Hotel
△ SalaAreeya
△ Hotel Labaris

GUEST:Kotchakorn Voraakhom
TIME:Friday, April 16 at 8:00 PM

5 project list
1. Chulalongkorn University Centenary Park

2. Thammmasat Urban Rooftop Farm

3. Chao Phraya Sky Park

4. Sookwana Healing Garden

5. Pathumwananurak Park



Voraakhom被收录在2019年《时代》杂志的“TIME 100 Next “榜单中,她也成为100位正在塑造世界未来的新星之一。同时,她也被收录在《时代》杂志的15位对抗气候变化的女性名单中。今年,她被BBC评为“BBC100 Women”,也被彭博社评为“the Green 30 for 2020” ,她获得了联合国颁发的 " 2020 UN GlobalClimate Action Awards "、" Women for Results "等。Voraakhom女士也是国际景观设计师联合会亚太地区(IFLA APR)的无国界景观主席,也是她是TED 、Echoing Green Climate、Atlantic的合作伙伴。她在哈佛大学设计研究生院获得景观建筑硕士学位。

Kotchakorn Voraakhom is a landscape architect from Thailand who works on building productive green public space that tackles climate change in urban dense areas and climate-vulnerable communities. 

Opened in 2017,Chulalongkorn Centenary Park is the first critical piece of green infrastructure in Bangkok to reduce urban flood risk. With on-site water management, the park can collect, treat, and hold up to one million gallons of water, alleviating overwhelmed public sewage during heavy rainfall. In 2019,Thammasat Urban Rooftop Farm, Asia's largest, was opened. Landprocess repurposed wasted rooftop space to address food and water scarcity in preparation for future climate challenges. In 2020, Chao Phraya Sky Park was realized. Once an inaccessible and incomplete sky railway, the old ruins are now whole, becoming the first realized bridge park to cross a river in any capital city in the world. Voraakhom is featured in 2019,TIME100 Next, a list from TIME Magazine —that spotlights 100 rising stars who are shaping the future of the world. She is also on the list of 15 women fighting against climate change from TIME. This year she was named BBC100 Women, the Green 30 for 2020 by Bloomberg. Recently, she got an award from United Nations as Winners of the 2020 UN Global Climate Action Awards, Women for Results. Voraakhom is a chairwoman on the landscape without the border of the International Federation of Landscape Architects, Asia Pacific Region (IFLA APR). She is a TED Fellow, Echoing Green Climate Fellow, Atlantic Fellow. She received her master's in landscape architecture from Harvard University's Graduate School of Design.


△ Thammmasat Urban Rooftop Farm

△ Chulalongkorn University Centenary Park
△ Sookwana Healing Garden

GUEST:Amata Luphaiboon
TIME:Friday, April 23, 8:00 PM

 5 project list
1. Little Shelter

2. The Commons Thonglor

3. The Commons Saladaeng

4. The Mist Hotspring Hotel

5. Sala Phuket Resort & Spa

Department of Architecture Co.是一家位于泰国曼谷的设计工作室。它以广泛的项目要求和规模实践建筑,室内建筑,景观建筑以及其他相关设计学科。我们对建筑的兴趣不仅限于本身,我们更将它视为人们赖以生存的“环境”。工作室专注于不仅希望在物理空间中找到新的建筑可能性,而且更希望找到超越物理形式出现的更多可能性。设计过程从对现有的“情况”开始剖析——对现有建筑类型和我们熟悉的现有空间的使用情况进行剖析,试图寻找使场所变得更好的可能性。我们希望重新考虑替代性的“可能”,并从根本上重新设计架构,以便从根本上出现新的架构。工作室还对材料有浓厚的兴趣-在替代方法上进行实验和探索,以使用具有新可能性的常见材料。

Department of ARCHITECTURE Co. is a design studio based in Bangkok, Thailand. It practices architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture, and other related design disciplines in a broad range of programmatic requirements and scales.Our interest in architecture is not only in its a physical form but we view architecture as a 'circumstance' which people operate upon. The studio is interested in finding new possibilities of architecture not only in the physical space but reaching above and beyond to the 'circumstance' that the physical form emerges from.  The design process starts from the inquiries into the existing 'circumstance'  – taken apart the existing conventional program of the building type, the existing usage of space that we sometimes become too familiar with and trying to see if there are other possibilities that can make the place better.Our aspiration is an attempt to rethink an alternative 'circumstances' and design the architecture anew from the foundation for the fundamentally new architecture to arise.The studio is also having keen interest in materials - experimenting and exploring on alternative way to use common materials with new possibilities.


△ The Commons

△ Little Shelter

△ The Commons Saladaeng

GUEST:Wannaporn Pui Phornprapha
TIME:Friday, May 14 at 8:00 PM

6 project list

1. Rosewood Phuket


3. Capella Bangkok

4. Rosewood Hong Kong 

5. 137 Pillars House

6. Integral Eco-Industrial Campus

P Landscape(PLA)常务董事,美国哈佛大学设计研究生院景观建筑学硕士,泰国朱拉隆功大学建筑学学士。

Pui于1998年创立了P Landscape,并凭借其在屡获殊荣的国际酒店项目中获得了广泛知识和经验。她认为景观可以超越美学和功能性方面成为艺术,也可以融合创造力文化和当地遗产,同时改善现有的环境和生态,Pui最近对公共景观产生了浓厚的兴趣,包括获得了社会和社区杰出奖的Pink Park,它获得了社会和社区卫生类别的杰出奖,国际景观设计师联合会AAPME Awards 2018。和国际设计会议。她最近担任2017年国际景观设计师联合会(IFLA)在曼谷举行的亚太地区大会主席。同年,她受国际花园节邀请,设计了柏林八个永久性展览之一,被称为“Garden of the Mind”。2018年,Pui铭出版了Landscape of the Mind,囊括了二十多年的风景项目以及对风景作为哲学,艺术和科学的反思。除专著外,她还参加了2018威尼斯建筑双年展,并在Palazzo Mora举办了同名展览。

Pui founded P Landscape in 1998 and has built practice upon her extensive knowledge and experience in award- winning international hospitality projects. She believes that landscape can become art, going beyond aesthetic and functional aspects integrating creativity culture, and local heritage while enhancing existing environment and ecology. Pui has recently developed a strong interest in public landscape including Pink Park which received an Outstanding Award under the Social and Community Health Category, International Federation of Landscape Architects, AAPME Awards 2018 She has also been invited as keynote speaker in numerous international conferences, universities, and international design conferences. She was recently the Chairperson for the 2017 International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Asia-Pacific Regional Congress in Bangkok. In the same year, she was invited by International Garden Festival to design one of eight permanent exhibitions in Berlin, called the "Garden of the Mind". 

In 2018, Pui published "Landscape of the Mind"- encapsulating over twenty years of P Landscape's projects and reflections on landscape as philosophy, art, and science. Along with the monograph, she also participated at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale with the exhibition at the Palazzo Mora of the same name "Landscape of the Mind".


△ Phulay Bay
△ Rosewood Phuket


GUEST:Boonserm Premthada
TIME:Friday, May 28 at 8:00 PM

 5 project list
1. The Wine Pavilion : A Rural Bar

2. The Artisans Restaurant : Women Restaurant

3. The Walk : An Elevated Journey into The World of Nature

4. The Elephant World : Non-Human Centered Architecture

5. National Thai Pavilion, Biennale Architettura 2021 : How Will We Live Together?

Boonserm Premthada在泰国曼谷出生和长大。1988年获得室内设计荣誉学士学位,2002年获得朱拉隆功大学(Chulalongkorn University)建筑学硕士学位,并于2003年成立了自己的办公室——BangkokProject Studio。Boonserm认为建筑是一种氛围的物理创造,可为增强人们对自然环境的认识。他的工作不是设计建筑物,而是操纵光、影、风、声音和气味,创造出一种具有生命力的“建筑诗学”。Boonserm的工作除了理论和实践之外,还具有强大的社会性和文化性,因为他的许多项目都旨在改善弱势群体生活的社会计划。

Boonserm Premthada was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interior Design) with first class honors in 1988 and Masters of Architecture from Chulalongkorn University in 2002 and established his office named Bangkok Project Studio in 2003.Boonserm believes that architecture is the physical creation of an atmosphere that serves to heighten man's awareness of his natural surroundings. His work isn't about designing a building, but rather the manipulation of light, shadow, wind, sound, and smell... creating an "poetics in architecture" that is a living being sense. Beyond the realms of theory and practice- Boonserm's work also carries a strong socio-economic and cultural agenda as many of his projects have social programs that aim to improve the lives of the under-privileged.


△ Elephant Museum
△ Brick Observation Tower 

△ The Walk

GUEST:Namchai Saensupha
TIME:Friday, June 4 at 8:00 PM

 5 project list 
1. The Parq
2. Jin Wellbeing 
3. Bang Bon Park
4. Lankila Pat 2
5. Bangkok Green Link 

Shma Company Limited是一家景观建筑设计和研究公司,旨在通过景观设计改变整个泰国和亚太地区。Shma的项目已在世界建筑节(WAF 2012-2018)和国际景观设计师联合会大会上获奖并入围。Namchai Saensupha于2007年与他人共同创立了Shma Company Limited,现任泰国景观设计师协会(TALA)主席。他的工作范围包括住宅,酒店,机构,公园,商业和混合用途。他的设计专注于可持续,弹性和对社会友好的方法,这些方法源于基于社区的参与过程。他曾是Kasetsart大学,Chulalongkorn大学和Thammasart大学景观建筑系的访问评论家。

Shma Company Limited is a Landscape Architectural design and research practice which aims to transform the territory through landscape design with projects across Thailand and Asia pacific. Shma's projects has been awarded and shortlisted in World Architecture Festival (WAF 2012 - 2018) and International Federation of Landscape Architects Congress. Namchai Saensupha co-found Shma Company Limited in 2007 and is the current president of Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA).His scope of works ranges from residential, hospitality, institution, public parks, commercial and mixed-use. His designs focus on sustainable, resilient, and social-friendly approaches, which derived from community-based participatory process. He been a visiting critic at Department of Landscape Architecture, Kasetsart University, Chulalongkorn University and Thammasart University.


△ Jin Wellbeing County
△ Bangkok Green Link
△ Bangkok Green Link

GUEST:Chana Sumpalung
TIME:Friday, June 18 at 8:00 PM

 5 project list 

1. Koi House

2. Sun Sky

3. Nook-Dee

4. Renaissanace Resort,Maikao

5. Kelapa

1991年,Chana Sumpalung获得了朱拉隆功大学的建筑学二等荣誉学士学位,并于1998年获得了佛罗里达大学的建筑学硕士学位,同年获得了杰出学生奖。毕业后,Chana在旧金山与SOM合作,后返回49号建筑师事务所。他负责从大型综合体,高层建筑到房屋的各种项目。其中大多数位于泰国,而其他则位于许多国家,包括奥地利,马来西亚,柬埔寨,缅甸和最近的印度。他现在在A49的主要职责是制定主要政策,设计概念,并代表公司集团担任执行委员会。Chana长期服务于暹罗建筑师协会(ASA),并于2015年成为ASA Expo主席。他还参加了ASA和泰国建筑师理事会(ACT)的许多小组委员会。凭着多年的知识和经验,他被泰国建筑师委员会主席选为建筑师执照考试委员会,并从2001年至今一直担任此职务。在职业生涯中,不仅在泰国,而且在印度尼西亚,老挝和美利坚合众国等其他国家的许多组织和学校中担任客座讲师,致力于社会和教育事业。2020年,Chana被选为ASA第36任总裁。

In 1991, Chana Sumpalung received his Bachelor of Architecture Second  Class Honor degree from Chulalongkorn University and extend his Master of Architecture degree at University of Florida in 1998 with Outstanding Student Award in same year. After graduation, Chana worked with SOM in San Francisco before returning to Architects 49. He has been responsible for a wide range of projects from mega complexes and high-rise buildings to houses. Most of these are located in Thailand, while others are located in many countries including Austria, Malaysia, Cambodia, Mianmar and recently India.  His main role in 49 Group is now to establish major policies, design concepts and represent Group of Company as Executive Committee. Chana actively served the Association of Siamese Architects (ASA) for long time and become Chairman of ASA Expo in 2015. He has also participated in many subcommittees for both the ASA and the Architect Council of Thailand (ACT). With his knowledge and experience, he was selected by President of Architect Council of Thailand as Examination Committee for Architect License and maintain this duty from 2001 to present.  In his professional life, he devote himself for society and educational as Guest Lecturer in many organizations and schools  in all region not only in Thailand, but also in other countries such as Indonesia, Lao and United State of America. In 2020, Chana has been elected to be the 36th President of ASA.


△ Kelapa
△ Nook-Dee
△ Renaissanace Resort,Maikao

主持人 | Moderator

洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)、Kulthida Songkittipakdee
HAS design and research

HAS(Hung And Songkittipakdee)多年研究东南亚建筑,撰写大量评论文章与建筑专刊在泰国《暹罗建筑师协会期刊》,执行系列展览、出版、论坛等,被泰国外交部表彰泰国建筑重要策划人,并受邀演讲于泰国创意与设计中心、朱拉隆功大学、阿颂·信艺术学院、泰国国王科技大学、易三仓大学等机构。在此之前,洪人杰先生任职隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所(Kengo Kuma & Associates)设计经理、项目负责人完成苏州阳澄湖旅游集散中心、上海船厂1862等案。

 Registration details 





授课方式:亚洲设计学院 / 视频直播(可通过手机、电脑、电视投屏观看及长期回放,直播可互动提问,课后在学员微信群交流,本课程不便提供课件。)



