

派澜设计 景观周 2022-09-11


——水调歌头·追和东坡 [ 宋] 王之道

/ 项目概况 /
Project Overview

▼项目位于朝阳区二环内,长春市城区的核心区域,为资源稀缺的优质G 类土地。风光秀丽的南湖位于项目东侧,距离本案约1公里,设计师希望通过本案将南湖景色引入柏翠社区,再现湖泊岸畔的无限风光。

The project is located in the second ring road of Chaoyang District, the core area of Changchun City. It is a high-quality G-type land with scarce resources. The beautiful South Lake is located on the east side of the project, about 1 km away from this project. The designer hopes to introduce the scenery of South Lake into the Baicui community through this project, recreating the infinite scenery on the shore of the lake.

/ 景观设计解析 /
Detailed Iandscape Design


Upon entering the site, the tall and straight tree arrays on both sides and the soft and delicate floor are dotted with warm and romantic lights to create an immersive homecoming path, guiding the residents to return home.


Use grilles on both sides of the gate tower to increase the visual transparency, and create a sense of quality with high-grade metal materials


Turning around the gate, there are green lanes on both sides, and the highly sequential pavement dotted with starlights with a sense of sequence on the ground guide people to move forward.


The entrance facing the scene is a simple and generous waterscape wall. On the pure beige wall, the water flow slowly falls to form a restrained and atmospheric drop waterscape, which makes the space appear lively and agile in order and rituals.


Podocarpus with graceful posture in front of the wall came out to welcome each other, and the ritual of returning home spontaneously emerged.


The planting ponds arranged in sequence combine the simple and unified stone surface with the simplicity and warmth of the wood, the softness of the ground cover and the warmth and romance of the lighting, dividing the simple and atmospheric space, and at the same time creating a green and simple garden space.


People enjoy the cool breeze and green shade, read, talk, and feel the quiet and natural elegant space.


The corridor-type community living room behind the green trees is a place for people to communicate, meet guests, and relax.


The inner side encloses a sunken central lawn space, and the dotted trees on the clean and tidy lawn, the single trees become the scenery, swaying and swaying.


The surrounding uses the interspersed combination of steps and plants to create a rich vertical layering and a relaxed sense of natural lines.


Elegant sofas and warm yellow ceiling lights are set under the outer corridors. The owners can come here to read and appreciate the scenery, afternoon tea, tea parties and other activities, increase neighborhood communication, provide more life possibilities, and convey the leisure vitality and shared openness of the living space


Fragmented sunlight is projected on the mottled wall through the virtual grid wall and the whirling branches

The grille façade has rich and diverse shapes, and the space is opened and closed carefully. The fine sunlight is projected on the mottled wall through the virtual and solid grille wall and the whirling branches, creating a rich facade effect.


The fire-fighting climbing surface outside the community living room uses the rich plant landscape, the exquisite and unique living room grille wall, the simple and extravagant leisure sofa, and the lively spring water scenery to form a comfortable leisure space. Sit and negotiate here. Come on, refreshing


Children always love bright colors and are full of curiosity about unknown things. We give children's fun colors and vitality to create a unique children's activity space.


The children's activity venue takes the bright colors of the Kingfisher on the South Lake as the main color, and uses the tree house as the prototype of the equipment. According to the activity needs of children of different ages and the care needs of parents, the space is divided and functionally arranged.


The color of the tree house is bright yellow combined with pure white. There are various play spaces such as rock climbing paths, rotating slides, ladder slides, and two-story running platforms. The bright colors and various equipment trigger children to climb, climb, run, and jump. And other activities to experience, let the children grow up happily in the game.


The color of the floor mat is bright yellow combined with calm black. Various game patterns are drawn on the ground, rocking chairs and other interesting activities are arranged. Children can play here. The rest area for parent care is arranged under the shade of the trees along the outside of the venue, providing a comfortable space for communication and care between parents.


The entrance is simple and elegant. The plant spaces on both sides of the entrance are carefully arranged to hide the boundary of the building. Every detail provides a comfortable experience for the residents.


/ 景观结语 /


Green bushes, swaying tree shadows, and gentle breeze, here, people release the pressure of life in nature, return to inner peace, and taste the beauty of life.

业主团队:韩保刚  于苗







