
2016-10-29 七邦之窗 七邦之窗



Farmers, activists call for NLD govt to end land grabs in Shan State


Some 100 representatives from civil society organizations, political parties and farmers across Shan State held a press conference today in state capital Taunggyi, demanding the current National League for Democracy (NLD) government take action on land seizures.


According to a report conducted in April this year by the Ethnic Peace and Resources Project (EPRP), the Tai Youth Organization, and the We Are Tai group, a total of more than 10,000 acres of villagers’ land in Shan State have been confiscated by the Burmese military, business firms, and local ethnic armed groups.

一个€Nang Kaysi说,“在18个乡镇,至少有11000英亩的土地被没收,活动的组织者之一,EPRP的代表,一个组织在缅甸工作支持和平进程。

“Within 18 townships, at least 11,000 acres of land have been seized to date,” said Nang Kaysi, one of the organizers of the event, and a representative of the EPRP, an organization that works to support the peace process in Burma.

“强占土地发生在Namkham,缪斯,Hsewi,Kutkhai,Sipaw, Kyaukme,南渡,Mongmit乡镇在掸邦北部;在Hopong


“Land grabs have occurred in Namkham, Muse, Hsewi, Kutkhai, Sipaw, Kyaukme, Namtu and Mongmit townships in northern Shan State; in Hopong, Panglaung, Mongpawn, Namsang, Loilem, Panglong and in Taunggyi townships in southern Shan State; and in Tachileik Township in eastern Shan State,” she said.

年的统治期间,缅甸军政府,任意没收土地在全国是一个常见的抱怨。 到了2000年代,占领的土地出租农业公司,和大规模政府发起的运动,旨在鼓励投资麻疯树油的收获。 最终,该计划失败:投资者损失了巨额的钱,而农民失去土地和生计。 

During the decades of rule by Burma’s military junta, arbitrary land confiscation was a common complaint across the country. By the 2000s, much of the seized land had been rented out to agri-business firms, and a massive government campaign was initiated to encourage investment in the harvesting of jatropha oil. Ultimately, the scheme failed: investors lost great sums of money, while farmers lost land and livelihoods.


According to Sai Kham Loon, a resident of Panglaung Township, the Burmese military seized his land in 1990 when they set up a base in the town.


“The Tatmadaw [government forces] seized our lands back in 1991,” he said. “Since then, we have had to look elsewhere for our livelihoods.


“We want to tell the government that we have been suffering for a long time,” he added.

9月下旬,掸邦先驱报报道,人们在掸邦南部的 Pai Khun镇举行了抗议,要求返回被缅甸军方占了20多年的土地

In late September, Shan Herald reported that people in southern Shan State’s Pai Khun Township had staged a protest, demanding the return of lands that had been seized by the Burmese military more than 20 years before.

掸邦先驱报在今天上午在Taunggyi的新闻发布会上,组织者Nang Kaysi说,“我们呼吁政府保护人们的财产,以及归还和赔偿他们失去的多年的被占的土地。”

Speaking to Shan Herald at this morning’s press conference in Taunggyi, organizer Nang Kaysi said, “We call for the government to protect people’s property, as well as to hand back the lands [that were seized] and pay compensation according to the number of years they have lost.”


She added: “The policy of forcible and arbitrary land grabbing should never happen again.”

摘自:掸邦先驱报,原文为英文版, 如中文翻译有误,请以英文为准!


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