

语保中心 语宝





(北京语言大学  北京  100083)



[中图分类号]H1-01 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1003-5397(2017)02-0002-07


Crossing the Great Divide: Looking for the Most Effective Way of Language Protection

CAO Zhiyun

Abstract: The masses, users of language, should play a major role in language protection. And, teenagers are the essential group in the movement of language protection: only if teenagers begin to give considerations to the dialect they use and obtain the awareness to protect their languages, and become the main force in inheriting and protecting splendid language-culture, can the career of Language Protection be succeeded. At present, most people do not understand, or even know little about language protection. Under this circumstance, in order to protect our dialects, our major task is to fill in the gap between scholars and the masses, so as to inspire the consciousness and awareness of language protection among the masses. What we hope is that language protection can become a national activity. This article advocates four ways of “crossing the great divide”: superstars; on-line videos; social activities; cultural products and arts works.

Keywords: language-culture; language endangerment; language protection; socialization



(北京语言大学中国语言资源保护研究中心  北京  100083)



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On the Protection of Language Resources and the Film and Television Archives

WANG Lining

Abstract: The most distinctive feature of the Project for the Protection of Language Resources of China is the socialized idea and working mode. Under the guidance of ‘socialization’, this article proposes that the Film and Television Archives is one of the most appropriate, effective, and feasible method for protecting the language resources.It sums up and analyzes the genre and current progress of the Film and Television Archives, as well as elaborates the significant function of it on protecting language resources.

Keywords: language resources; language protection;; socialization; the film and television archives



(广东外语外贸大学中国语言文化学院  广州  510000)



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The application of new media in carrying forward language culture

YANG Huijun

Abstract: Due to the population flow and the change of environment, the function of Chinese dialect is impairing, and the culture it contains is endangered. The Chinese dialect culture is an important part of language culture in China. It shouldn’t die out. To preserve it, we have to use the new media to create virtual dialect communities, and offer platforms for communicating, to strengthen the practical use and emotive employment of dialect culture and to renew the means of transmission. In this way, the language culture will be inherited. In this process, the adolescents play the key role and we should use network video as the principal means and crowdsourcing as the main tactics to carry forward the language culture.

Keywords: language culture; new media;adolescents


李  佳

(武汉大学文学院/国家语委科研机构中国语情与社会发展研究中心  武汉  430072)



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On the Lessons of Local Culture Concerning Dialects

LI Jia

Abstract: Considering the big picture of establishing harmonious relationship between Standard Mandarin and dialects on campus, the paper discusses four fundamental questions, i.e. the extension, the intension, the forms and the prerequisites of “lessons of local culture concerning dialects”. It proposes that on the prerequisites of firmly maintaining Standard Mandarin as the primary speech for teaching and education, and of pupils’ voluntariness, schools may offer those lessons according to local conditions, thus to play a certain role in protecting and inheriting local culture and dialect.

Keywords: “lessons of local culture concerning dialects”; relationship between Standard Mandarin and dialects on Campus; the primary speech for teaching and education.


