
1.20 Yuyintang 育音堂 ▶ Jimaoxin 鸡毛信, Dizang 地藏, Khunathi 丘瑙底河

liveCNmusic liveCNmusic 2023-01-04

“Point at something across the room— perhaps a table or a chair—and pause to really notice what you’re pointing at. Then point at the floor in front of your feet and take that in. Next, point at your belly. Finally, point your finger toward your face. What do you see? Is it what you’re pointing at? For many, this exercise is a revelation. Our head, presumed to be the locus of thought, memory, and sensation, is missing. Instead, it appears as though we are wearing the world on our shoulders. In this vivid centerlessness, the boundary between “inside” and “outside” may dissolve—along with the usual sense of self-as-experiencer” 

    -Douglas Harding, The Headless Way


Tonight LiveCNmusic hosts three fearless (or foolhardy) psychedelic bands that you shake you to the core and have you searching for your head.

来自杭州的鸡毛信乐队,偏重于迷幻音乐分支中的宇宙和爵士乐方向的挖掘和扩展。他们像一支厌倦了在贵宾室给别人演奏的即兴乐队,突然开始运用自己的技巧手法,转而创造出更为宏大管弦乐,又模糊不清的音乐,伴随有更多趣味性。它在某一时刻是不紧不慢的——歌曲以蜿蜒曲折的间奏或乐器对峙的方式开始——片刻之后,每个人都跳进了隐藏在肌底深处的旋律中,而你甚至没有意识到这一点。它的怪异和复杂,几乎掩盖了旋律上的流行性,这让人不禁想起了Radiohead、Kikagaku Moyo,甚至还有the Beatles的音乐——但实际上,他们所创造出的声音世界自成一体。

Leaning into the cosmic and jazz-heavy end of the psychedelic genre - with an almost irrelevant madcap edge to their edifice – Hangzhou’s JiMaoXin 鸡毛信 – feel very much like a jam band who got bored of being lounge room mercenaries and started honing their skills into something more orchestrated, sonically ambiguous, and indefinitely more fun. It's unfastened one moment - with songs that kick off with meandering ramshackle interludes or dueling instruments - only a moment later clicking into place, with everyone jumping in on the groove you didn't even realize was lurking beneath. Its quirks and instrumental intricacies barely disguising the melodic pop sensibilities that evokes everything from Radiohead to Kikagaku Moyo and yes, even to the Beatles – but really, they're a world of sound unto itself.

当晚,上海前卫迷幻勇士地藏乐队(Dizang)将加入其中。这个受到迷幻音乐、世界音乐和新民谣影响的四人乐队,以摇滚乐为根骨建立起自己的体系和架构,站在了King Crimson、万能青年旅店、Jethro Tull等无数伟大乐队的肩膀上。乐队从未在深渊中迷失自我,而是以一种精神饱满的方式一头扎进音乐画布中,将声音解构并推向他们可能会选择的任何可以获得愉悦的方向。

Joining them will be none other than Shanghai psychedelic prog rockers Dizang - a mythic and transcendent swirl of influences and tones as mind-bending psychedelia, world music and neo-folk gets filtered through ravenous and robust rock and roll chops, calling to mind everyone from King Crimson, Omnipresent Youth Society to Jethro Tull. Never reaching too far into the abyss, there's a spiritedness to the way the band giddily dives headfirst into their musical canvas, deconstructing and pushing their sound into whatever gleeful direction they so may choose.


Khunathi meanwhile are full-blooded psychedelia that remains fun in the face of madness - keeping the vibes vigorous and audacious in their pursuit of nirvana. Charging full speed ahead over shrieking guitars, simmering grooves and pile-driving drums, it’s lean and mean and injected with a crisp psych blues sound captured, like lightning in a bottle, with precision and heft. And while things are likely to get heavy, it always circles back to its rhythmic dynamics - never allowing the listener to drift too far downstream.

LiveChinaMusic presents

Will the man with no head blow your mind? 无头人会让你大吃一惊吗?

Date 时间

01月20日 8:30pm

Line Up 阵容

Jimaoxin 鸡毛信

Dizang 地藏

Khunathi 丘瑙底河


育音堂 (凯旋店)


Presale 预售 70 / Door 现场 90 /Double 双人 120


Jimaoxin 鸡毛信



Dizang 地藏






鼓 - Kavin

长笛 - 蔡欣璐

合成器 - Damian

吉他 - 肖钦文

声音工程 - 侍柯宇

核心灵魂 - 你

Khunathi 丘瑙底河 (梵文खउनअथइ)



来自于上海,成立于2019年末的即兴迷幻摇滚乐队,伪佛经生产者,西域故事编造者。试图复 现即兴中的高光时刻,时常失手。正如你不可能两次踏入同一条丘瑙底河。

笃信即兴的方法论进行创作,把即兴的过程看作一条捕捉可能性的道路。使用摇滚三大件吉他、 贝斯、鼓以及尺八、塔布拉、曼陀铃等民族乐器。将现场变作鬼魅异域的剧场,并永远面向当 下瞬间的不确定性。

About LiveChinaMusic


LiveChinaMusic (wechat: liveCNmusic) is a platform dedicated to China's evolving underground music scene - besides posting videos and pictures of the countless shows I’ve stumbled into, we cover everything from new releases to music videos (and even made a few ourselves). We started throwing up a weekly mixtape, conducting interviews, and venturing to other music scenes around China. And of course, organize shows whenever we feel ambitious or stupid. 

