
New Music 新唱片发行: Eating Music/Xinwenyue Shi 施鑫文月/Ma Haiping 马海平

liveCNmusic liveCNmusic 2024-01-03

Variois Artists - Eating Music presents Running with Friends

Shanghai’s Eating Music, one of the electronic scene’s most exciting labels, steps into its sixth year with their latest compilation - Running with Friends. Centered around the theme of ‘running’ in all its implications - it showcases a wide array of producers and artists who forge their own way to rousing your heartbeat, getting those brain waves darting, or simply accompanying you as you escape from worlds both physical and mental. The perfect antidote to a stagnant 2022 and one of the best treats a runner like myself could ask for. The stacked roster, checkered with friends, old and new,  features vii M, zou, Voision Xi, Cocoonics, Kool Klone, CHILLGOGOG, Sdewdent, and Illimitato. 

上海的宜听音乐,电子场景中最令人兴奋的厂牌之一,带着他们最新的合辑--Running with Friends 进入了第六个年头。围绕着“跑步”这一主题,展示了一系列的制作人和艺术家,他们用自己的方式唤醒你的心跳,让脑电波律动,或者简单陪伴你逃离身体和精神的世界。这是 2022 年停滞不前的完美解毒剂,也是像我这样的跑步者可以要求的最好待遇之一。这张由新老朋友组成的名册上有 vii M、zou、Voision Xi、Cocoonics、Kool Klone、CHILLGOGOG、Sdewdent 和 Illimitato。



Xinwenyue Shi 施鑫文月 - Bashu Renaissance: Chapter Two 巴蜀文艺复兴:第二章

Rapper, producer and singer-songwriter Xinwenyue Shi muses on the seemingly fast and loose hustler lifestyle of Sichuan on his latest release ‘Bashu Renaissance Chapter Two’ — a supple piece of breezy hip hop that’s equally smooth and softhearted. The rising bilingual rapper, who hails from Chengdu but was educated in America, pays tribute to Bashu culture through both its lush and expertly assembled production and its lyrical content - observational in its ability to connect past and future, traditional and modernity. As sly as they come with a sincerity not often seen in the hip hop world, Xinwenyue Shi has a bright future ahead of him. 




Ma Haiping 马海平 - Shanghai 1984 上海 1984

Esteemed techno producer Ma Haiping (MHP) ‘rages against the machine that closed the doors’ last year with his latest dose of adrenaline-pumping tracks on Shanghai 1984, crafted during the Shanghai lockdown of 2022. Pure, uncut, pulsating Detroit techno to get those neurons firing and get those legs swaying, there’s a primal rush to getting caught up in Haiping’s grooves. It’s not all fun and games through - as evident in the sweeping, menacing closing track ‘Thought’, which would fit right in with a Kubrick film. Remixes courtesy of Orland Voorn and Jeroen Search.

备受尊敬的电子音乐制作人马海平(MHP)“对巨大体质机器的闭门行为报以愤怒反抗”,他的最新作品《上海 1984》是在 2022 年上海疫情期间制作的。纯粹的、未经删节的、活力脉动的底特律电子乐,令神经元燃烧,让小腿摇摆,带着一种原始的冲动,让人陷入海平的旋律中。这并不是所有的乐趣所在——正如结束曲 "Thought " ,它无比适合于库布里克的电影。混音由 Orland Voorn 和 Jeroen Search 带来。


Translated by: Aling

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