
New Music新唱片发行: mice, dropdown, Hugjiltu胡格吉乐图, Aming Liang, 不乐基斯

liveCNmusic liveCNmusic 2024-01-03

Mice - Run Mice Run 

dropdown - Background

offscript - a label ‘producing and broadcasting synæsthesia’ makes a new home for some of the electronic’s scene’s more beguiling members with their first two releases from mice and dropdown. On Run Mice Run, the Hangzhou electronic producer, whose warm-hued textural sound recalls that of Jon Hopkins (with plenty more guitar samples) has made the perfect album to get run to - larger-than-life soundscapes (or as he states ‘auditory hallucinations’) that flood your neurons and gets the adrenaline pumping. Meanwhile, label head dropdown, offers something a bit more adventurous and IDM-stricken, an assortment of live recordings, musings, and creations from the past four years. Definitely a label to keep your eyes on. 

Offscript——一个“制作和播报通感(synæsthesia)”的厂牌,为电子乐场景一些更迷人的成员提供了一个新家,他们的前两张发行分别来自  mice  和  dropdown。在由杭州电子音乐制作人创作的  Run Mice Run 中,温暖的声音质感让人想起 Jon Hopkins(有着更多的吉他采样),他制作的这张专辑非常适合跑着听——超现实的音效(或如他所说的 "听觉幻觉")充斥着你的神经元,让肾上腺素飙升。与此同时,厂牌负责人  dropdown  则带来了一些更具冒险精神和  IDM  风格的作品,包括过去四年的现场录音、思考和创作。这绝对是一个值得关注的厂牌。


Hugjiltu 胡格吉乐图 - Returning to Childhood 还童

Long-standing Inner Mongolian musician Hugjiltu, formerly of Hanggai, Dawanggang and Ajinai, continues to explore his (literal) ancestral music with an eye toward the future on the aptly named ‘还童 Returning to Childhood’. Born into a musical family, Hugjiltu retraces his origins and the part his mother and father have in it, most notable in the three duets recorded with his late father. It’s a touching tribute, one elevated by its production which bring the compositions into the present through some studio touches, adding a layer of trance -like electronica and psychedelia to its folk foundation. Even with those ornamentations, the musical soul of the Hugjiltu’s remains true and pure. 

曾参与杭盖、大忘杠和阿基耐的资深内蒙古音乐家胡格吉乐图,继续探索他(字面意义上的)祖传音乐,并将目光投向未来,极其恰当的把新专辑命名为《还童》辑。出生在音乐世家的胡格吉乐图回顾了自己的出身,以及母亲和父亲在其中扮演的角色,其中最引人注目的是与已故父亲录制的三首二重唱。这是一首感人至深的悼念之作,通过一些录音室的手法将音乐带入当下,在民谣的基础上增添了一层 trance 电子乐和迷幻色彩。但即使加上这些装饰,胡格吉乐图的音乐灵魂依然真实而纯粹。



Aming Liang - Fleeting Glimpse Blur Jesus - Mushroom No . 5

Cosmic adventures with Aming - the ever-gifted multi-talented musician who has been a roll this past month with releases both under his name and Blur Jesus - the latter alongside his partner in crime and musical world building Midori. On his solo effort, Fleeting Glimpse, the artist acts as a pied piper of sorts, leading listeners through 60s-era world music psychedelia - laced with something a bit more ominous. A pagan ritual in full flux - there’s a strong undercurrent of something sinister within these sprawling trance-inducing tracks - one that holds sway of you even as it leads you down a path with no return. Endlessly imaginative. 

与阿鸣共赴宇宙冒险——这位才华横溢的音乐人在在过去一个月以本名和 Blur Jesus 的名义发行了数张专辑,后者是与他犯罪、音乐世界的同僚 Midori 的组合。在阿鸣的独奏 Fleeting Glimpse 中,他如同一名吹笛人一般,带领听众穿过上世纪六十年代世界音乐的迷幻之境,其中还夹杂着一丝不祥。这些令人恍惚的曲目,仿佛不断变换的异教徒的仪式,一股强烈的邪恶暗流控制着你,引你走上一条不归。充满无尽的想象力





Translated by:  Aling

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