本案位于温州永嘉县,距离温州市中心直线距离为10公里,距离永嘉站约为7公里。紧邻104国道,交通便利,周边自然景观条件丰富,风景秀丽。场地虽小,但也要五脏俱全。如何在有限的空间内将各个功能场地完美融入,营造多尺度的景观空间,满足日常活动需要,创造更美好的生活氛围,是我们亟待解决的问题。在设计人员的一次又一次的推演设计中,终于呈现出一个完美的方案。Although the venue is small, it should also have all kinds of internal organs. How to integrate each functional site perfectly in the limited space, create a multi-scale landscape space, meet the needs of daily activities and create a better living atmosphere is an urgent problem to be solved. In the deduction design of designers again and again, a perfect scheme is finally presented.
庄重中正的大门,是出户美好的开始亦是归家温暖的惬意我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了为什么而出发略一找寻,却在山水园居中找到生活最初的理想被时光偏爱的生活,正为你缓缓拉开一幅山水画卷The solemn Zhongzheng gate is a good start for going out.It is also a warm and comfortable home.We have gone so far that we forget why we started.After a brief search, I found the original ideal of life in the middle of the landscape garden.The life favored by time is slowly opening a landscape painting for you.人们对社区与归家之旅的想象,是午后林荫下的惬意、夕阳下挽手相伴的温馨和沉浸在星空下的宁静,我们将这些宛若游弋于诗篇里的场景,浓缩在了沙朴树下的白色廊架。People's imagination of the community and the journey home is the comfort under the shade of the trees in the afternoon, the warmth accompanied by holding hands in the sunset and the tranquility under the stars. We concentrate these scenes like swimming in poetry on the white corridor under the sand park tree.
于午后的时光与邻里品茗博弈、遛鸟打拳、吟诗论道傍晚时分夕阳洒在草坪上,耳边响起孩子的欢声笑语幸福、美好、安逸就是这一刻最好的形容词In your spare time, invite your neighbors to chat at home
In the afternoon,Tea game with neighbors, bird walking, boxing,poetry and taoism.In the evening,The setting sun sprinkled on the lawn, and the children's laughter sounded in my ears.Happiness, beauty and ease are the best adjectives at this moment.孩子是未来,是希望,他们天生爱跟自然玩耍,水、树叶、花草、沙土都是他们的玩具。他们在场地中用脚步去丈量大地,用眼睛去观察世界,用双手去触摸世界。Children are the future and hope. They naturally love to play with nature. Water, leaves, flowers and plants and sand are their toys. In the field, measure the earth with your feet, observe the world with your eyes, and touch the world with your hands.周末的清晨,在温柔的阳光中醒来,戴着耳机下楼,林影婆娑中进入运动区,借着阳光的沐浴,暖风拂面。少年跟着音乐的律动,掌握自己的节奏,放松自己。In the early morning of the weekend, I woke up in the gentle sunshine and went downstairs wearing headphones. The forest shadow whirled into the sports area, and the warm wind brushed my face through the sunshine. Teenagers follow the rhythm of music, master their own rhythm and relax themselves.项目完美落地,离不开三方一起做出的努力,我们让山水画卷在这里徐徐展开,静候归人,用现代艺术的设计打造山水韵味的都市园居社区,与你不期而遇。
项目名称 | 德信·望宸里项目地点 | 浙江温州永嘉县
开发商 | 德信地产
景观设计 | 杭州绿韵景观设计有限公司
施工单位 | 城山建设有限公司项目规模 | 14107.55m²
注:本文授权自:杭州绿韵景观设计有限公司(ID:gh_c495348fa3ca),感谢小编的辛苦整理, 如若图文资源侵犯您权益,请及时与我们联系,我们将第一时间做出处理。