
GND设计丨裕和溪涌青谷 :足水曰青,追云见谷 - 售楼处

GND设计集团 GND设计集团 2022-10-29

青 谷 一 诺 / 山 海 之 约


春 暖 花 开 / 为 你 而 来


Yuhe CYAN VALLEY  adopts modern and simple design methods to explore the integration of nature and art, which complement each other, that is, to convey modern life style through the beauty of natural mountains and seas. Designers take lines and materials as the means of space aesthetic form to build a gentle, low-key and introverted art space.

△ 接待大堂 丨Reception hall

△ 礁石艺术装置,滴水可穿石,聚礁亦成能岛。

Reef art installation, water can pass through the rocks, and the reef can be an energy island.

△ 走廊小景丨Small view of corridor




Hard dress is clean and elegant, mainly based on stable and Warm Beige. Soft dress is positioned as the humanistic art leisure style of comfortable vacation. It pays attention to the harmonious beauty of nature and ecology, the simple and ordinary beauty of simplicity, which is consistent with the aesthetic thought of art, and creates a changeable and original design with natural charm.

△ 休息室丨Lounge 


The design refers to the unique design concept of AMAN HOTEL : "build a group of warm and comfortable private holiday places in beautiful and elegant places, and create a kind of elegant and natural hospitable atmosphere". The design of Qinggu quncheng garden is also aimed at creating a harmonious and harmonious environment with the original ecological environment, from time, space, emotion and inheritance dimensions, let life My first heart is back to the good.

△ VIP洽谈区小景丨Small view of VIP negotiation area

"当你工作的闲暇之际,与自己的家人朋友来到此处小住小玩,空间内简约温馨,最大化的感受青谷独特的自然风光。让城市生活更自然,让家人朋友,在青谷,肆情享受大自然的馈赠。When you work in your spare time, you and your family and friends come here to live and play. The space is simple and warm, and you can feel the unique natural scenery of Qinggu to the greatest extent. Let city life be more natural, let family and friends enjoy the gift of nature in CYAN VALLEY."

△沙盘室丨Sand table room


The beautiful scenery of the mountain and sea and the sand table in the space are separated by windows. Customers can feel the geographical location and environment of the house while enjoying the sand table, and create an immersive viewing atmosphere for customers.

△ VIP洽谈区水吧丨VIP meeting area drinking bar

With the perspective of floor to ceiling windows as the design fulcrum, the furniture in the space is decorated with wood and green plants, with natural materials and natural beauty, coupled with a cup of hot tea, a simple and light life is in front of us.

△ VIP洽谈区丨VIP negotiation area

This time, instead of designing an open negotiation area as before, we have set up a group of four people to create a negotiation space, which not only ensures that each group of negotiation customers has its own scenery, but also respects the negotiation contents of each group of customers and real estate consultants.



“Full water is green, chasing clouds and seeing valleys" is a state of life. We are not only focused on space, More focus on people's spiritual needs, and natural fit.



White clouds gather and the sea is blue and deep.

Far away from the urban disturbance, the advantaged geographical location breeds the beauty of the world, which makes people feel that the air is clean, the environment is picturesque, and everything is lovely. What is fresh is not the surface image, but the most primitive appearance of nature and life.


深圳作为国际一线城市,更是个滨海城市。告别鳞次栉比的水泥堤坝,由深圳市裕和集团倾力打造的青谷CYAN VALLEY项目,其本意就是归还滨海之城的本来面目——“与海相亲”。

Shenzhen, as an international first tier city, is also a coastal city. Farewell to the endless cement dams, the cyan Valley project built by Shenzhen Yuhe group is intended to return the original face of the coastal city - "affinity with the sea".

青谷住宅建筑项目由荷兰建筑设计事务所UNStudio团队设计,建筑设计以溪涌景观为主要灵感, 将其转化为平滑连续的曲线体系结构,其设计概念为“观海叠翠”:错落有致的建筑体由统一的模块组成,形成不同高度、不尽相同的休闲平台及天台,为住户创造了独特的滨海生活空间及看海感受。 CYAN VALLEY residential building project is designed by UNStudio team of Dutch architectural design firm. The main inspiration of the architectural design is stream landscape, It is transformed into a smooth and continuous curve system structure, and its design concept is "sea view and Emerald": the scattered buildings are composed of unified modules, forming different leisure platforms and rooftops of different heights, creating a unique coastal living space and sea view experience for residents.


开发商:   裕和集团

软装设计:GND设计集团 恩嘉设计

软装执行:GND设计集团 恩嘉设计











