
Notes | D06-刻意练习-Peak: Mental Representations(2/2)

楚汐 遇见楚汐 2020-01-25

Chapter 3

Mental Representations(P68-83)

  • The Accidental Blindfold Chess Master

  • The Secret to Winning Chess

  • Mental Representations

  • Recognizing and Responding to Patterns

  • Making Sense of Information

  • Finding an Answer

  • Planning

  • Mental Representations in Learning

  • Physical Activities are Mental too


今天的这部分阅读,作者举例医生诊病、保险销售、攀岩、游泳等研究实验,来进一步强调刻意练习(deliberate practice)和心理表征(mental representations)两者之间的良性循环关系:刻意练习的主要目的是为了创建有效的心理表征,同时心理表征又会反过来在刻意练习中起着非常重要的作用。

The key change that occurs in our adaptable brains in response to deliberate practice is the development of better mental representations, which in turn open up new possibilities for improved performance.




我想大部分中的我们提到写作,都会皱眉,拖到不得不写的时候,也常是“挤牙膏”似的,想到什么观点就写什么,尽量靠题,直到写够字数为止......作者在文中将这种情况称为 “知识陈述”(knowledge telling),也就是将我们脑海中想到的观点逐一写下来,而已。


The general pattern is the same: to write well, develop a mental representation ahead of time to guide your efforts, then monitor and evaluate your efforts and be ready to modify that representation as necessary.

写文章之前,先在脑海中构建心理表征(mental representations),不但有助于写作者“胸有成竹”,下笔更有神,同时也让读者一目了然,易于理解吸收。



因此,我们若想要能更高效的读书写作,就必须要push自己走出舒适区,学着用心理表征(mental representations)来有意识的训练自己的全局观,在不断演练全局的过程中,再重点关注某些细节。如此方能真正的“既见森林,又有树木”,既有整体又有重点。

Words and Expressions

a handful of

To see how this works, I’ll borrow one of Sanders’s medical mysteries—one that only a handful of readers solved correctly, out of more than two hundred who sent in answers.

a handful of something, 我的理解是一只手可以数的过来的,所以表示“少量的,一小部分”, a very small number of people or things.

例句:There were a handful of men in the audience when I saw the film.

仿造句:Only a hanful of children can get the rewards.

需注意,be a handful,后面不加 of, 是表示“棘手,不好控制” 的意思,[informal], someone, especially a child, who is a handful = is difficult to control. 传说中的“熊孩子”

例句:She’s a lovely child, but she can be a bit of a handful sometimes.

come to the fore

In this particular sort of challenge—piecing together a number of clues—the mental representations of expert doctors come to the fore

fore 是表示“前面”,所以 come to the fore, 表示“涌现出来,斩露头角”, to or in a position of importance or influence. 根据主语的主被动情况,还可以说 bring to the fore. 

例句:Environmental issues came to the fore in the 1980s.

例句:The case brought to the fore a lot of racial tensions.

virtuous circle vs. vicious circle

......the relationship between skill and mental representations is a virtuous circle: ......

virtuous circle, (also virtuous cycle), 表示“良性循环”的意思, a recurring cycle of events with each one having a beneficial effect on the next.

对比学习:恶性循环 vicious circle (also vicious cycle) ,单数名词, a repeating situation or condition in which one problem causes another problem that makes the first problem worse.

例句:Abused children often grow up to abuse their own children - it's a vicious circle.

