
Notes | D13-刻意练习-Peak: The Road to Extraordinary

楚汐 遇见楚汐 2020-01-25

Chapter 7

The Road to Extraordinary(180-206)

  • Starting Out

  • Becoming Serious

  • Commitment

  • The Benefits of Starting Young

  • More Lessons from Perfect Pitch

  • Pathbreakers

Summary & Reflection


成为杰出人物需要经历三个阶段:有兴趣的开始(Starting Out)、认真对待(Becoming Serious)、全情投入(commitment)。这三个阶段的持续都离不开动机(motivation)的刺激,从最开始完全靠外界的激励,到最后的自我激励。而所有的这些激励动机中,来自父母的鼓励和支持是最初的也是最重要的,直接影响到了孩子以后的成长。


想起当年在纽约 transfer orientation 的时候,碰到的几个俄罗斯女孩,大家聊起之前的专业时,很惊讶的发现,人家的专业真是五花八门的“冷”,有人类学的,有生物学的,还有文学的。。。再想想自己身边的女性朋友,光是当 “老师” 和 “会计” 的就有好几个。。。当然,并不是对这两个职业有什么其他的想法,只是一种感慨罢了。

Words and Expressions


When he was wooing Klara, he outlined his theories and explanied that he was looking for a wife who would collaborate with him to test his theories on their own children.

woo, 及物动词,

  • 表示 “追求;向…求爱” ,old-fashioned : to try to make (someone) love you.  

    例句:He wooed [=courted] her with flowers and dinner.

  • 表示 “恳求”,to attempt to persuade (someone) to buy something from you, vote for you, work for you, etc.

    例句:The company must find creative ways to woo new employees.


In particular, psychologists have found that an expert's development passes through four distinct stages, from the first glimmers of interest to full-fledged expertise.

full-fledged, 形容词,表示 “全面的,合格的,完备的”,fully developed;meeting all the necessary requirements to be something.

例句:a full-fledged lawyer/member

仿造句:The conflict turns out to be a full-fledged war.

inspire by、learn from、compete with、model after

......how many of them had older siblings to be inspired by, to learn from, to compete with, and to model themselves after.


inspire by,受...鼓舞

learn from,从...学习到

competet with,与...竞争

model after,以...为模范(榜样)

