
HdM·展览 |赵银鸥个展《天鹅从这儿升起 》,由苏伟策展

HdM GALLERY 2022-04-27



开幕时间:2022.03.25(周五) 16:00 - 18:00

展览时间:2022.03.25 - 2022.05.07

展览地点:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街

HdM 画廊北京空间荣幸宣布将于 2022 年 3 月 25 日举办艺术家赵银鸥个展《天鹅从这儿升起》,展览由苏伟策划,届时将展出艺术家十余件木刻综合材料作品以及近三年的最新布面绘画作品,展览持续至 5 月 7 日。


从 2005 年创作“精神康复系列”开始,历经“我与我系列” “釜山系列”“我们系列”以及最近三年大尺幅的布面创作阶段,赵银鸥在绘画中用最直白、最富有冲击力的方式,忠实纪录自己关于疼痛、梦境和死亡的记忆,塑造了其绘画中爆裂的、令人眩晕和难以直视的画面。这种方式看起来似乎与我们习惯的那种驱逐情感、缺乏叙事性的当代绘画相去甚远。但是,赵银鸥一直在挑战中国艺术学院中的绘画传统或其衍生出的,种种流行于当代艺术界的观念策略。她在创作中激进地去除了绘画的技术、知识和专业时间,画面上私密空间的纪录也是极端个人化的,无法被演绎为任何情境化的叙述。本次展览将聚焦于赵银鸥艺术实践中的连贯性和严肃的业余主义态度,讨论其工作的方法和思考逻辑。


赵银鸥 1972 年生于沈阳,1988 年至 1992 年就读于中央美术学院附中,1994 年至 2001 年于鲁迅美术学院油画系学习,现任教于北京工业大学艺术设计学院,纪录片《铁西区》、《何凤鸣》制片人。近期群展和个展包括:“恶是”,蜂巢当代艺术中心,北京(2020);“精神实在”,空间站,北京(2019);“囚徒”,Vanities,法国(2019);“快乐的人们...... ”,中间美术馆,北京(2019);“HER KIND” · 创,筑中美术馆,北京(2018);“涉险的快感”,N3画廊,北京(2016);“OPEN TO YOU”韩国釜山(2014)等。

Exhibition: Zhao Yinou | On the Wings of A Swan

Curator: Su Wei

Opening: 2022.03.25 (Fri.), 16:00 - 18:00

Duration: 2022.03.25 - 2022.05.07

Location: 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

HdM Gallery Beijing is pleased to present the solo exhibition of Zhao Yinou “On the Wings of A Swan” on March 25, 2022. Curated by Su Wei, the exhibition will display more than ten wood carvings and paintings produced over the past three years. The exhibition will last until May 7.

About the Exhibiton

Starting from the creation of “Spiritual Rehabilitation Series” in 2005, and evolving through “Me and Me Series”, “Busan Series”, “Us Series” and the large-scale canvas works produced over the past three years, Zhao Yinou faithfully records her memories of her pains, dreams, and death in the most straightforward way with a strong impact, making such bursting, dizzying imageries that it almost burns the sight of the viewers. This approach seems a far cry from the emotionally void, non-narrative contemporary paintings to which we’re used to. However, Zhao Yinou has been challenging the tradition of Chinese academic art, or the popular concepts or strategies derived from it in the contemporary art segment. She moves radically away from painting techniques, professional knowledge and traditional time scales in her works, but instead focuses on the record of individual experience, which is extremely personal and cannot be interpreted through any normal narrative technique. This exhibition will focus on the coherence of her art practice and the dedicated and candid attitude in her working logic and methods.


12. 2019.W, mixed media on wood, 65x40cm, 2019

Zhao Yinou was born in 1972 in Shenyang. She studied at the Fine Arts School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1988 to 1992, and then studied in the oil department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts from 1994 to 2001. She is currently a faculty member at the School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology, and the producer of documentaries “À l'ouest des rails” and “He Fengming”. Recent group and solo exhibitions include: “Being of Evils”, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China (2020); “Psychicalreality”, Space Station, Beijing, China (2019); “Prisonnier”, Vanities, Paris, French (2019); “HAPPY PEOPLE......”, Inside-out Art Museum, Beijing, China (2019); “HER KIND•CHUANG”, Zhuzhong Art Museum, Beijing, China (2018); “The Pleasures of Adventures”, N3 gallery, Beijing, China (2016); “OPEN TO YOU”, Pusan, Korea (2014) and etc. 

