
WeChat ID fdlm_621 Intro 世界上最富盛名的传统音乐文化节夏至音乐日,将于2017年再度席卷京城!众多大牌乐队不容错过! 依然遵循历届传统,所有演出完全免费入场!!! 日子一天一天地走近夏至这一天,在夏至音乐日之前,我们也安排了户外的开场派对,还有什么比户外音乐节更有意思?6月18日星期天在77剧场见吧!我们会有4支风格各异的乐队跟大家提前过个夏至的周末,为我们接下来的星期三做个热身。 Every day, we're getting closer to Fete de la musique on June 21st. However, we have one hell of a warm-up planned for you folks:  an outdoor party with food, drinks, fun and of course tons of music.... so get ready Beijing, it will be a Sunday to remember.  The Music King Krab 出身马赛的两兄弟Lucas和Adam成长于上世纪90年代,听的自然是父亲书架上的美国黑人经典磁带和光盘。青少年时,他们开始玩吉他和贝斯,然后一起参加城区的即兴表演,这也成为他们第一张专辑的创作源泉。 King Krab is the story of two brothers from Marseille. 90s children, they listen extensively to the vinyls, cassettes and CDs of African-American classics that lie on their father’s shelves. As teenagers, in an echo to this musical childhood, Lucas and Adam took up guitar and bass, later becoming regulars at a Marseille jam session. This proved to be the main inspiration for the brothers’ group. With their first album, the Marseille siblings show their will to give themselves up completely and sincerely, through stories at times sensual and at times painful, that feed their lyrics. In the French and European musical landscape, the group stands out for its rhythmic efficiency and the intelligence of its catchy melodies. Their live performances are real communions with the public, that tie hearts in knots and send shivers down the spine. 大小姐乐队 / Mademoiselle et son Orchestre  一个北京的六人组合乐队。他们演奏的曲目由经典的法语歌曲和自创作品组成,在中国独树一帜。过去的几年中,该乐队多次参加了在中国不同城市举办的促进法语和法国文化的活动。他们的音乐灵感在很大程度上来自于吉普赛爵士音乐(jazz manouche)。 这一曲风于上世纪30年代诞生于法国,是由Django Reinhardt和Stéphane Grappelli创立的音乐风格。正是在这一欢快曲风的基础上,Mademoiselle et son Orchestre重新演绎了Piaf, Brassens, Gainsbourg及其他著名歌手的很多经典之作。乐队的原创作品诙谐幽默,将听众们带到了 Mademoiselle令人惊奇的超现实世界。  A six-piece Beijing based gypsy jazz band. The musicians perform their own tunes and also some old French master pieces for the love of “boum-tchick “, swing and “choubidou wah!”  The Twenties 成员: 赵丹阳(主唱/吉他) 王翌亮(吉他) 俞士维(贝斯) 江啸(鼓) The Twenties是一支组建于北京,有着惊人创作力的乐队,成立于2012年8月。乐队歌曲风格鲜明,旋律感很强,每一首歌都是一个故事,是发自内心深处真实的表达。 A female-led guitar-driven band with an affinity for writing infectious hooks, The Twenties have continued to evolve and hone their sound pulling in influences from just about everywhere (2000s UK band The Rakes, 1990s Pavement) while forging their own bubbly path. And it’s this propelling momentum that helps the band stand on its own – while other bands would be content playing the same old stuff, The Twenties relish grappling a new song and nailing down that tempo change. Indie rock never sounded so alive.  北京巴西战舞曼丁加学校/Capoeira Mandinga Beijing 北京巴西战舞曼丁加学校是非盈利组织,隶属于国际巴西战舞曼丁加总校,是一支由曼丁加创始人马赛罗﹒佩雷拉大师(巴西战舞圈内又称其为马赛罗﹒卡卫利尼亚大师)于1984年在美国奥克兰市创立的巴西战舞学校。 在北京积极组织中外友人参与活动,特训以及表演,为在中国推广巴西文化尽一份力量!这回受夏至音乐日的邀请,成为在户外开场的表演嘉宾,跟他们一起跳起来! Capoeira Mandinga Beijing is a group dedicated to the practice of capoeira in all its variations. Under the guidance of Mestre Marcelo, we train capoeira, samba, maculele and other Afro-Brazilian martial arts and dances. They are invited by Fete de la Musique to take part in the outdoor party, come join their authentic dance. 北京巴西战舞曼丁加学校是非盈利组织,隶属于国际巴西战舞曼丁加总校,是一支由曼丁加创始人马赛罗﹒佩雷拉大师(巴西战舞圈内又称其为马赛罗﹒卡卫利尼亚大师)于1984年在美国奥克兰市创立的巴西战舞学校。 在北京积极组织中外友人参与活动,特训以及表演,为在中国推广巴西文化尽一份力量!这回受夏至音乐日的邀请,成为在户外开场的表演嘉宾,跟他们一起跳起来! Templo do Samba桑巴唐  Beijing's one and only samba percussion ensemble Templo do Samba once again brings you a performance with exuberating energy ! This performance will be joined by Brazilian percussion master Dudu Fuentes with whole new sensations in experience of batucada. 桑巴唐(前身为桑巴亚北京)是中国仅有的桑巴打击乐团,将巴西舞蹈与歌曲融入到桑巴节奏之中为观众带来充满南美和非洲韵律的演出。我们曾与崔健、杭盖、宠物同谋等音乐家合作,并期待未来尝试更多可能,以开放心态促进桑巴音乐在中国的发展。  2006年桑巴亚来到北京,同样汇集了一大批业余音乐爱好者。我们的成员来自世界各地,但音乐和爱是我们共同的语言。我们每年向成员介绍设于美国加州和巴西巴伊亚、里约热内卢等地的巴西音乐训练营,并从那里为大家带来桑巴节奏的最新动向。  现在我们每周日为您带来桑巴打击乐工作坊,向初学者或者是有经验的乐手介绍桑巴的文化背景、演奏技巧及歌曲。  THE FOOD & DRINKS When long-time friends and Beijing residents Will Yorke and Thomas Gaestadius began brewing together in a shack on Arrow Factory Hutong, they sought to bring something new and fresh to Beijing's growing beer scene. Their passion and hard work has produced a range of traditional styles as well as several unique beers for the thirsty masses, all served up with hand made sausages, meat pies, and other world class pub-grub. 在北京定居的Will Yorke和哥们儿Thomas Gaestadius是老相识了,俩人最早在箭厂胡同一间小平房里开始自己酿啤酒,就是想为北京正在兴起的啤酒市场带来点儿前所未有的新鲜劲儿。他们满怀激情的努力工作,给好这口儿的群众们酿造了一系列传统自酿啤酒,还有几款与众不同的创意啤酒。当然啦,除了啤酒,自制香肠、肉派和世界一流的酒吧小食也都能在这儿——“箭厂啤酒”品尝到。 Baozza 包萨 Baozza™ is pizza baozi. It’s hand crafted with fresh ingredients, steamed to delicious perfection, and served at a great value.Follow us on WeChat for updates on our location, delivery service, and special events!   包萨™是比萨馅的包子。我们追求纯手工,材料新鲜,热气腾腾,极致性价比。请关注我们的微信公众账号,门店服务,追踪外卖服务,和特色活动的最新公告! CHEERS! CHEERS makes wine drinking fun & affordable and we love to make our customers smile! We sell imported quality wines at the best possible prices in our CHEERS Stores throughout Beijing as well as in our franchise partner stores throughout China. CHEERS是一家新生代的葡萄酒公司。我们在国际流行新品和传统产品中精 挑细选,为中国消费者提供高性价比的进口葡萄酒;同时,我们也致力于把品 尝葡萄酒变成一种新兴的生活方式。 我们为顾客提供优质卓越的服务,通过我们的创意视频,每月店内主题,葡萄 酒知识分享为我们的顾客带来全新的购买体验。不仅仅是销售葡萄酒,还传递 着葡萄酒文化中的快乐 ! Crêpanini 可百尼尼 Crepanini is a delicious, casual, and original creperie in the heart of Beijing. This concept of easy and healthy food to go was established by two passionate Bretons, Jean-Baptiste Audran and Nicolas Raoul. In June 2008, Crepanini officially opened its shutters, serving both sweet and savory crepes, waffles, paninis, ice cream, and drinks. Today, thanks to our loyal customers and curious pedestrians, Crepanini is one of the most popular creperies in Beijing’s Sanlitun district. 可百尼尼坐落在北京的中心地带,为您提供美味,休闲,正宗而又健康轻松的法式可丽饼,这一概念正是由我们的两位充满热情的创始人,来自布列塔尼的Jean-Baptiste Audran和Nicolas Raoul先生提出的。2008年6月,可百尼尼正式开业,向顾客供应酸甜两种口味的可丽饼,华夫饼,意式三明治,冰淇淋和各种饮料。今天,在新老顾客的无限支持下,我们已经成为北京三里屯地区最受欢迎的可丽饼店之一。我们的小吃品种多样,可以满足不同人群的各式需求。当您踏入我们小店的那一刻,我们精巧的装修风格,丰富的食材配料和新鲜的水果一定可以给您留下杰出的第一印象。无论是朋友小聚,还是商务宴请,抑或休闲解馋,这儿都是您的不二选择。 Caravan 驼队餐吧 Caravan is a hub for elegant soul food, drinks, and live music tucked in the old diplomatic area of Jianguomen. The venue is owned and managed by Badr Benjelloun, who happens to be the director of the 2017 edition for Fête de la musique as well as a long term participant in the city’s ever evolving music scene as a blogger, musician, festival organizer and more. Caravan is the official operational and financial logistics partner for Fete de la musique 2017.  Caravan驼队餐吧是优雅的灵魂食物,饮品以及现场音乐最新的枢纽。藏身在建国门的老使馆区,它是为所有乐趣和文化资本的首选目的地。其独特地道的摩洛哥食物组合,屡获殊荣的鸡尾酒,合理的价格一定可以满足您的各种需求。 Please Follow Us and Read More 更多信息,请点击阅读原文 关注我们,一起过夏至 Follow us to get yourself most up to date Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Write a comment Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

