
感谢大家参与 时尚革新周行动日 Fashion Revolution Week@RAB

“Even though I often dress poorly, the documentary was so interesting and I will definitely think more about this sustainability topic”, as one participant shared with RAB after the event. 

“平时我不是特别讲究穿衣,但这个纪录片很有意思,让我更深刻地思考这个时尚产业链的可持续性话题。” 一位活动的参加者和我们分享到。

—— “时尚革新周” 活动源于2013年4月24日在孟加拉发生的一场悲痛事件:拉纳广场大楼倒塌,瞬间造成1134个成衣工厂工人死亡。行业生产商本可以在倒塌之前采取一定的预防或保护措施避免或者降低伤亡。事故之后 “时尚革新周” 创立,希望用简单的行动唤起大家对服装生产线工人生存状态的关注,【我的衣服从哪里来】成为全球具有影响力的推动力量!

RAB programs Introduction


Fashion Revolution Introduction


Our Fashion Lecturer, Steven DEDRICK

莱佛士服装设计讲师 Steven DEDRICK

It was fantastic to know that, all the participants joining in the event yesterday share the same attitude and thoughts towards this topic, that more actions should be done to make a better, more ethical, and sustainable industry. Everyone involved in the manufacturing process should be well taken care of, have  a safe working environment and a proper payment. 


Frontline Fashion 1 Documentary Screening


Luna, from Choke the Label and her presentation

来自Choke the Label的嘉宾Luna

Also, it was our pleasure to welcome guests from China Fashion Association to join us, journalist from the Beijinger, and guest speaker Luna from Choke the Label. 

本次活动我们也荣幸地邀请到来自中国服装设计师协会的朋友、生活方式媒体the Beijinger的记者以及Coke the Label的嘉宾Luna前来助阵。

Photos with #Whomademyclothes for Fashion Revolution

#我的衣服从哪来 社交媒体传播 

Thanks everyone for coming. We hope, of all us have learnt something about the topic, known more tips and tricks to shop and consume fashion sustainably. 



