
《国际食物和农商管理评论》2020年第5期·Special Issue

IFAMR编辑部 2022-12-31

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review

Vol. 23, No. 5, 2020

Special issue: New and sustainable food and agribusiness management models


Review and prospection for food andagricultural business model innovations in emerging economies

Fu-Sheng Tsai, Cheng-Hung Tsai, Chi-Wei Liu, Chia-Hsun Lin, Chih-Hsiang Chang

Research Article

Blockchain-based agri-food supply chain management: case study in China

Hao Fu, Cuiping Zhao, Chuanxing Cheng, Hengyun Ma


Can rural e-commerce service centers improve farmers’ subject well-being? A new practice of ‘internet plus rural public services’ from China

Hui Jin, Lili Li, Xinyi Qian, Yiwu Zeng

Support policy preferences of grain family farms: evidence from Huang-huai-hai plain of China

Lili Yu, Ziheng Niu, Shijiu Yin, Yang Gao, Borui Tian


The economic impact of diversification into agritourism

Jana Pitrova, Igor Krejčí, Ladislav Pilar, Pavel Moulis, Jan Rydval, Robert Hlavatý, Tereza Horáková, Ivana Tichá


Market simulation of traceable food in China based on conjoint-value analysis: a traceable case of pork

Bo Hou, Linhai Wu, Xiujuan Chen

Review Article
Reviewing studies of radio frequency identification applications in supply chain for food safety

Xiao-Wei Wen, Janita Marlin, Zhi-Jian Wen, Zhao-Hui Yang

Research Article

Intellectual capital for green accounting in agribusiness

Hsiu-Yu Lee, Chi-Fang Liu, Yu-Sheng Yain, Chien-Ho Lin

Opinion Article

A social innovation perspective on business model improvement in food related industries

Xiao-Wei Wen, Sang-Luo Sun, Zhao-Hui Yang


New agriculture business model in Taiwan

Chien-Hsing Lee, Chih-Fang Liu, Yu-Ting Lin, Yu-Sheng Yain, Chien-Ho Lin




Review and prospection for food and agricultural business model innovations in emerging economies

Fu-Sheng Tsai, Cheng-Hung Tsai, Chi-Wei Liu, Chia-Hsun Lin, Chih-Hsiang Chang

23(5), pp. 661–666


Even for industries that are traditionally being perceived as ‘traditional,’ such as the food and agriculture ones, business models and its innovations are critical for the industries’ sustainable development. Nine interesting articles in this special issue are reviewed with sincere prospections that might push the research and practical frontiers further. Suggestions in cross-level investigations, international and diverse contexts and research practices, as well as the interactive, dynamic, and evolutionary intersections between the technological and managerial sub-systems of food and agribusiness model innovations are discussed.


business model, innovation, emerging economies, agribusiness, food industries

Research Article


Blockchain-based agri-food supply chain management: case study in China

Hao Fu, Cuiping Zhao, Chuanxing Cheng, Hengyun Ma

23(5), pp. 667–679


The fundamental purpose of agri-food supply chain management is to restrict opportunism caused by information asymmetry. Traditional Chinese agri-food supply chain management introduces a contract mechanism and a trust mechanism to manage the uncertainty of the agri-food quasi-organization. However, it is almost impossible to improve the efficiency of transactions and maintain agri-food supply chain stability in the case of asymmetric information. Nowadays, blockchain, Internet of Things technology and big data drive the agri-food supply chain into a vast smart network which would break the information constraints. This paper analyzes the coupling between blockchain-based digital system and the agri-food supply chain. In addition, this paper presents two cases from China, indicating that the proposed blockchain-based system can achieve disruptive transformation in agri-food supply chain management.


agri-food supply chain, blockchain, coupling, information asymmetry, opportunism


Can rural e-commerce service centers improve farmers’ subject well-being? A new practice of ‘internet plus rural public services’ from China

Hui Jin, Lili Li, Xinyi Qian, Yiwu Zeng

23(5), pp. 681–695


Whether farmers live happily or not matters a nation’s harmony and stability. Recently, a large number of rural e-commerce service centers (RESC) have been emerged in rural China. RESC provide some convenient services for local residents, such as agent purchase, sales, and payment online. This paper devotes to empirically analyzing the impact of RESC on farmers’ subjective well-being (SWB) with the method of propensity score matching based on the survey data collected from the first pilot city of Alibaba’s RESC project – Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province. It is confirmed that RESC can significantly improve farmers’ SWB, which not only provides an empirical evidence for the further development of RESC, but also reveals that RESC is a beneficial practice for local governments to utilize the internet to improve farmers’ welfare. It also has a positive exemplary significance for ‘internet plus rural public services’.


rural e-commerce, rural public services, subjective well-being, propensity score matching, China


Support policy preferences of grain family farms: evidence from Huang-huai-hai plain of China

Lili Yu, Ziheng Niu, Shijiu Yin, Yang Gao, Borui Tian

23(5), pp. 697–712


This study uses the choice experiment method with 570 grain family farms located in the Huang-huai-hai Plain and determine various support policy attributes and the attribute levels for the two dimensions of policy measures and policy communication channels. Ordering effects are eliminated by warming up subjects in advance and using information disclosure. This paper uses the inferred attribute non-attendance method to process attributes ignored by the grain family farms and analyzes grain family farms’ preferences for different support policies with a mixed logit model and then uses a latent class model to analyze how the characteristics of grain family farms relate to different preference types. We find that grain family farms have a strong preference for agricultural subsidies, credit support, and technical support (the mean coefficient is greater than 0.8). Moreover, the preferences of grain family farms over the policy communication channel (the mean coefficient is greater than 0.5) cannot be ignored. Faced with the same policy attribute combination, grain family farms with high education levels, reasonable scales of operation, and good understanding of support policies are more likely to improve their profit margins. There are four preference types of grain family farms: finance preference (43.2%), knowledge and technology preference (28.5%), land transfer preference (15.4%), and policy information preference (12.9%).


grain family farms, attribute non-attendance, policy choice, mixed logit model, latent class model


The economic impact of diversification into agritourism

Jana Pitrova, Igor Krejčí, Ladislav Pilar, Pavel Moulis, Jan Rydval, Robert Hlavatý, Tereza Horáková, Ivana Tichá

23(5), pp. 713–734


Livestock production often has a crucial role in the overall farm system, especially under unpredictable conditions. In the Czech Republic, cattle farming is stagnating and farmers have to search for additional and alternative sources of income. Diversification strategies often mean that farmers have to find new uses for existing resources (farm buildings, equipment, labor), stepping into the meat processing sector and farm-to-table system or into agritourism. In this paper, we simulate the scenarios representing the potential benefit of diversification into agritourism. The paper adopts the system dynamics approach to model three different sized farms, calibrated with official data. In addition, a management flight simulator is used in an applied case study. In both cases, we evaluate the impact of the agritourism on the economic performance of the farm. In the case study, we also test the scenarios of the impact of coronavirus lockdown. From the long-term perspective, the diversification into agritourism brings the benefit even under the conditions of one season lockdown and improves the economic output of the beef cattle farm more than the farm-to-table strategy.


agritourism, computer simulation, farm management, scenarios testing, system dynamics


Market simulation of traceable food in China based on conjoint-value analysis: a traceable case of pork

Bo Hou, Linhai Wu, Xiujuan Chen

23(5), pp. 735–746


The food-traceability system is considered to be one of the main measures to fundamentally prevent food-safety problems. It is of great value to study consumer demand for traceable food and market simulations that can adjust the production and supply structure of traceable food and promote traceable market development. Having sampled and interviewed 2,121 consumers in China, consumer preferences for traceable pork with different levels of safety information, and the respective market share of traceable pork with different product profiles were investigated using conjoint value analysis and the randomized first choice method. Results showed that Chinese consumers prioritized the certification of a traceable-pork safety-information attribute. Furthermore, consumers were willing to pay extra costs in order to obtain traceable safety information. However, this additional expenditure should account for no more than 30% of the price of ordinary pork, or consumer demand for safe pork decreases. Results of a market simulation also identified a type of traceable pork that had an optimal combination of attributes and met the needs of Chinese consumers. Consequently, the government should gradually promote a multilevel traceable-food market system in China by developing a combination of a certification mechanism and traceability system, and increasing financial subsidies for the construction of the traceability system.


traceable safety information, consumer preferences, conjoint value analysis, market simulation

Review Article


Reviewing studies of radio frequency identification applications in supply chain for food safety

Xiao-Wei Wen, Janita Marlin, Zhi-Jian Wen, Zhao-Hui Yang

23(5), pp. 747–757


Food security and safety are central topics worth to be investigated by academicians and practitioners. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is more than a tool with wireless microchips for identification but a facilitator that increases the traceability of food products and better business model innovations. This paper reviews the literature of issues regarding RFID in the context of food supply chains (e.g. issues on the feasibility of RFID for better food traceability). We make a careful review of 13 papers published in 9 SSCI journals and conferences published from 2004 to 2016. Findings are discussed for offering suggestions that could improve the research streams and practices.


radio frequency identification, food supply chain, literature review

Research Article


Intellectual capital for green accounting in agribusiness

Hsiu-Yu Lee, Chi-Fang Liu, Yu-Sheng Yain, Chien-Ho Lin

23(5), pp. 759–765


Agribusiness organizations have gained an understanding of the need to promote environmentally friendly actions for the present and the future. Green accounting (GA) or environmental accounting is a new branch of accounting that attempts to factor costs related to the environment into the financial results of various operations. The concept of intellectual capital (IC) describes all the resources or capital that determines an organization’s value and competitiveness. The implementation of GA principles in an agribusiness organization is a cross-disciplinary work that entails sustainability, accounting, and other fields of research. Thus, competent farmers (human capital), good relationships with stakeholders (relational capital), structural changes (organizational capital), and innovativeness (innovation capital) all of which are concepts of IC are needed for the implementation of environmental sustainability policies and procedures within an organization. This conceptual paper explores key success factors for the GA from the IC perspective. We proposed that, for different reasons and logic, the human, customer, organizational, innovation, and process capitals all play roles as key success factors for good implementation of GA in agribusiness.


green accounting, intellectual capital, key success factors

Opinion Article


A social innovation perspective on business model improvement in food related industries

Xiao-Wei Wen, Sang-Luo Sun, Zhao-Hui Yang

23(5), pp. 767–772


Food sector sustainability should not be discussed solely through an economic lens. On the contrary, social forces are critical in motivating and practicing high-quality food production and distribution in the supply chain context. This opinion addresses food sector imperatives from the social innovation perspective to preliminarily comment on social innovation’s potential influences on food production, distribution, and safety. Preliminary though, the purpose and contribution of this opinion paper are both stimulating future imagination in theory and practices for utilizing social innovation for food safety and sustainability. The main opinions are the employment of resources, sustainable development of resources, generation of finances and diversifying the talent pool for social innovative initiatives that promote food safety.


social innovation, supply chain, food safety, sustainability


New agriculture business model in Taiwan

Chien-Hsing Lee, Chih-Fang Liu, Yu-Ting Lin, Yu-Sheng Yain, Chien-Ho Lin

23(5), pp. 773–782


We offer an integrative introduction, analysis, and commentary for the new agribusiness models (mainly for crop production) in Taiwan, an important economy in Asia. Taiwan’s economy has been relying heavily on agriculture-based business, even against the fact that its high-technology industries occupy major media explosion opportunities. We start with the introductory discussions of Taiwan’s agricultural backgrounds and development. Then we review and analyze the developing agribusiness models at macro and micro levels. Based on those analyses, we propose promising directions for future studies and agribusiness practices.


agriculture, agribusiness, business models, Taiwan



International Food and Agribusiness Management Review



