柏林马克斯-普朗克科学史研究所 Graduate Student Fellowship(3月15日截止)
柏林马普所Dagmar Schäfer的部门推出了一个6个月的研究生驻留项目,名叫“First Research Article”,面向就读于亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲地区学校,从事科技/医学史相关领域的研究生。时间是2020年9月1日至2021年2月28日。这个项目资助你来柏林马普所进行英文论文的写作,也就是说在收集好论文所需的一手材料后,来这里呆六个月,与马普所的学者交流,参加各种研究活动,同时完成文章,准备以英文发表。项目链接:https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/news/first-research-article-fellowship-program-dept-iii
柏林马普所在科学史界的地位不言而喻,最前沿的方法和课题都从这里产生,现在在世界各大科学史系任教的老师几乎都有马普所的研究经历。部门三的负责人Dagmar Schäfer是中国科学史的专家,去年刚刚来北大演讲,不过她的部门并不仅仅关注东亚,而是关注全球的科学史、知识史。我很喜欢她这个部门的方向,就是关注制作中、行动中的知识,继Daston等人带起来的图像热之后,实践和制作一定是科学史的下一个突破点。这次她主持的Fellowship项目专门面向亚非拉地区的学生,对国内同学是个很好的机会。Dagmar Schäfer的部门链接:https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/dept-three
申请截止日期是3月15日,要求论文简介、CV、英文writing sample和导师推荐信等材料,具体可查看下面的英文版,或点击阅读原文。网页上特别提到欢迎女性申请人,姑娘们加油!
“First Research Article” Fellowship Program, Dept. III | MPIWG
March 15, 2020
Department/Research Group
For further information please contact Dr. Danyang Zhang: DZHANG@MPIWG-BERLIN.MPG.DE
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (MPIWG), Department III Artifacts, Action, and Knowledge (Director: Prof. Dagmar Schäfer), is offering two fellowships for outstanding graduate students.
The fellowships are open to graduate students based at Asian, African or Latin American institutions. Applicants should demonstrate their commitment to a research topic related to the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, or Science and Technology Studies and a need to work with an international community at the MPIWG, Berlin in order to prepare and publish their first single-authored research paper in the English language. Eligible are students in good standing through the grant period of February 28, 2021.
Candidates are expected to have already completed the archival research for their thesis and be in a position to devote six months to writing and preparing an article in English for journal publication. Regular meetings will be held to support both the writing process and academic development.
The fellowships will run from September 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021.
Applicants should submit the following materials in English through our online application portal:
Official proof of enrollment and good standing in an accredited graduate program from your PhD thesis/or confirmation of your university. Brief description of dissertation.
Curriculum vitae and list of publications
Title, abstract and outline of intended essay (maximum 750 words)
English writing sample
A letter of recommendation from one supervisor
Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2020 (23:59 CET) to be uploaded to the following link: https://recruitment.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/position/14254095
Please note that only electronic submissions uploaded to this link will be accepted. Only successful candidates will be notified.
Descriptions of the research projects of Department III are to be found under https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/dept-three.
Fellowships are endowed with a monthly stipend according to the guidelines of the Max Planck Society. Applications from women are especially welcome. The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting underrepresented groups as well as people with disabilities and encourages them to apply. Finalists may expect a decision by May 6, 2020.