
诺德安达大家庭即将迎来三位新成员 3 of the UK’s leading schools will join NAE

The following article is from 诺德安达 Author 诺德安达



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Nord Anglia Education, the world’s leading premium international schools organisation announced that three of the UK’s leading independent day and boarding schools will join the Group on 31 March 2021. Oxford International College, d’Overbroeck’s, and Oxford Sixth Form College are located in Oxford.


——诺德安达教育集团首席执行官Andrew Fitzmaurice先生

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“We are proud to celebrate another milestone in Nord Anglia’s history by welcoming three new UK schools to our global family. Every Nord Anglia school is individual and reflective of its own local community, and our schools in Oxford have an impressive reputation for outstanding academic results with students attending the world’s top universities. By becoming part of the Nord Anglia family of schools, students and colleagues will benefit from our collaborations with leading global institutions including MIT, King’s College London, Juilliard, and UNICEF. We are looking forward to welcoming our new students and their families to Nord Anglia.”

-- Andrew Fitzmaurice, Chief Executive Officer, Nord Anglia Education


——牛津国际教育集团学校和学院负责人Jonathan Cuff 

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“We are excited to be joining Nord Anglia Education because we share the same educational philosophy and ambitions for our students.  It speaks to the quality of our education that we are joining Nord Anglia’s global network of schools.”

-- Jonathan Cuff, Managing Director of Schools and Colleges for Oxford International Education Group

加入集团之后,来自牛津的1100名新生将和集团现有的67000多名学生一起,分享我们与茱莉亚学院,麻省理工学院以及联合国儿童基金会的学习资源,并通过我们的技术学习平台全球校园(Global Campus),与世界各地的诺德安达的同学们一起享受学习的乐趣。


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Teachers and staff at the schools will also benefit from being part of a larger professional community with numerous development opportunities. This includes access to Nord Anglia University, a vibrant professional development programme connecting NAE colleagues together through cutting-edge courses, as well as access to a Master’s Degree in International Education at King’s College London, developed exclusively for NAE teachers and staff.


Oxford International College

牛津国际学院成立于2002年,是英国的一所知名的教授A-level的高中。2019年和2020年,泰晤士学校联盟、每日电讯学校联盟和Educational Advisors机构的私立学校排名推举该校为“杰出学校”。这所学校每年有三分之一的学生获得牛津或者剑桥大学的录取,有59%的学生被牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院和伦敦政治经济学院等录取。

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Oxford International College, established in 2002, is one of the UK’s leading Sixth Form colleges. In 2019 and 2020, the school was named the best-performing college by The Times School League, The Daily Telegraph School League, and the Educational Advisors’ Independent School League Table. One in three of its students earn places at Oxford or Cambridge every year, while 59% of all students are accepted into Oxford, Cambridge, University College London, Imperial College London, and the London School of Economics.




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D’Overbroeck’s, founded in 1977, is a leading independent, co-educational day and boarding school. The school is made up of Years 7 to 11, a Sixth Form teaching A-levels with boarding, and an international school teaching IGCSEs. 


Oxford Sixth Form College



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Oxford Sixth Form College, established in 1988, is an independent day and boarding Sixth Form college for students aged 15 to 19 and specialises in A-levels, GCSEs, and other courses. Students from both schools go on to study at the world’s top universities including Oxford and Cambridge.

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