【英语教学专栏】二年级英语课堂的差异化教学:流动式小组活动教学 | Our grade 2 English Class
A Letter from Language Acquisition Coordinator
这一周的英语教学频道我们将聚焦于英语课堂中的其中一种差异化教学方法。差异化教学是一个广泛的话题,我们并不能仅仅通过一次简短的分享就涵盖其全部的意义,所以我们的目的是和大家分享一些老师们在英语课堂中使用的并以此来实现语言习得差异化教学的策略。在本周的分享中,我们的例子是来自于二年级Ms. McCoy的课堂,她在课堂中使用了一种名为 “流动式小组活动” 的教学方法。
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Hi Parents!
This week on the bilingualism and language channel for our school we will focus on one of the methods that we use in our classrooms for differentiating the learning. This is a vast topic and one that cannot be covered in 1 single post, the aim is to share some examples of strategies which our teachers are using to help differentiate the learning for language proficiency in the classrooms. In this post we will focus on an example from Grade 2 this week where Ms. McCoy was using what is called ‘station teaching’.
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Station teaching is the act of teaching a class not as a whole class for the whole lesson, but in smaller groups with a selection of tasks which explore student learning that is targeted at different groups of children.
There are many benefits to this method of teaching some of which include:
Smaller groups help manage behavior expectations.
Student output is much higher as there is an expectation for learning to be going on in small groups (as opposed to just one child being called on to answer on behalf of the class learning intention).
Better teacher student interaction as it enables the teachers to get involved face to face with individuals, as opposed to ‘teaching from the front’ of the class.
Clearer assessment observations for where each student is, and also to clarify what each student’s target needs to be.
Enables supported and independent groups to vary the skills students need to access the learning.
在Ms. McCoy的课堂中,其中两个学习任务是由老师带领的的小组在老师的直接教导下直接完成的,其余两个任务是学生们在自己的小组中独立完成的。
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Grade 2 are using this approach in their English and Theme learning and this week students were set 4 tasks:
First, the class begins with all students together when the teacher will set the learning objective for the lesson and to go through each of the 4 stations and explain or introduce the learning tasks and expectations for each station.
In the class with Ms. McCoy, 2 of the tasks were teacher led with small groups working with the teachers directly on a task and then 2 other groups were to be working independently.
The 2 tasks working with the teachers included guided writing with the teacher, word level work with the teaching assistant and the 2 independent groups involved a reading and grammar task.
Mr. Samuel Ryan
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Once the teacher’s group were settled and working well, the teacher would monitor the independent learning groups too. After a given amount of time, students are asked to switch stations to complete another of the tasks. Over two successive lessons all students were supported, and all students were able to engage with the learning with support or independently.
This is just one example of how differentiation in the classroom can take place. In the near future, we will explain other examples for how NASGZ, Panyu teachers ensure the learning program is targeted and supportive for each individual student.
Mr. Samuel Ryan
Language Acquisition Coordinator
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