Women have often been used as symbols of virtue.
Amount her many virtues are loyalty, courage and truthfulness.
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Hey ! What's up, folks ? It's Mr.Wong here. I got a joke for you guys, so they say that french fries were first fried in France, but actually... they were fried in Greece(grease). Get it ? "grease", hahaha ! Okay ! Here's another one : A man, who never passed his English test bumped into an English-speaking businessman, the man said, "I am sorry !" The businessman said, “I am sorry, too.” When hearing “two”, the man said without hesitation, “I am sorry three.” The businessman felt strange and asked, “ What are you sorry for(four)?” Then the poor man had to say, “ I am sorry five.” Haha ! Funny huh ? No ? Ahem ! So today's word of the day which has nothing to do with what I just said earlier is "virtue". Check it out !
特别鸣谢:Daine AKA Naomi 为本公众号提供二维码美工设计