expensive taste
Wow ! You have expensive taste ! Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper products first ?
People with expensive tastes like to buy things that cost a lot of money.
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Hey, what's up ? It's Mr.Wong here. How do we tell the difference between a smart consumer and a dumb consumer ? I'm no expert but correct me if I'm wrong. So a smart consumer is like Olivia. She does her research and reads reviews on a certain product she plans to purchase. If she's on a tight budget she decides whether the product is worth buying or not. She also stays within her budget range. Now,as for the dumb consumer, which I like to call retarded consumers. A retarded consumer is like Mr.Wong. He likes to purchase random stuff and never looks at the price tag. He buys stuff he wants but not the stuff he needs. He says he's a baller and has expensive taste plus swag. But we all know he doesn't because he lives in a cardboard box under the bridge. Don't be like Wong, be like Olivia. Be smart, be a smart consumer. Before we talk about the word of the day, my question for you is,"what's the dumbest purchase you've ever made ?" You can leave your interesting or funny response in the comment section below. And today's word of the day is "expensive taste". Check it out !