

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23



Did I hurt you ? I thought I saw you wince.


It makes me wince even thinking about eye operations.

一想到眼部手术, 我就不由得眉头一皱。

The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hello, it's Mr.Wong here. Let's talk sports. I know that a lot of you are sports fans. Some of you like basketball , football , ping pong , the list goes on and on. Because of that , I know what you guys don't like. The worst enemy to a player and a sports fan is...injury. Let's say the star player of the team was in the finals of a basketball game but he was benched due to knee injury and they lost the game. Yeah, I know it sucks……I remember the time I played basketball in school. I wasn't necessarily good at that sport , but I was fat , so they just used me as a meat shield... Anyways, the best player in our team sprained his ankle. I knew the game had to continue without him because when the nurse checked for injury , he winced in pain. So as the fattest person on the team , I knew I had to lead my team to victory. I knew this was my only chance. It was my time to shine, and plus the girl I liked was watching the game. So I had to make a good impression. Unfortunately , it didn't work out like the movies or tv shows , or animes……We lost, ahem, 14-65. We scored 14 points and they scored 65...…Well, at least I was on a basketball team. Now, without further ado , let's talk about today's word of the day which is "wince". Check it out !



