

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

every dog has its day 


You may become famous someday. Every dog has its day. 


I know you're shocked that she got a better grade than you, but hey, every dog has its day.


The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hello, friends and family. It's Mr.Wong here. If you have a pet dog or love dogs, here are 3 awesome facts about dogs. Number 1, the reason dogs curl up is because of an age-old instinct to keep themselves warm and to protect vital organs while they sleep. Number 2, dogs' eyes contain a special membrane, called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark. It's a myth that dogs only see in black and white. In fact, it’s believed that dogs see primarily in blue, greenish-yellow, yellow and various shades of gray. Number 3, I was really curious about this one so I had to look this one up online. An average dog's sense of smell is between 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than ours. What got me thinking was, if a dog's sense of smell is so sensitive then why are they so interested in sniffing other dog's butthole ? Brought to you by the internet, when a dog smells another dog's butt, it's actually collecting information about the other dog, its diet its gender, its emotional state and so on, which is called "chemical communication" in the animal kingdom. Now I'm not gonna get into the detail about this butt sniffing action, you can go find that out by yourself. Okay, so today's phrase of the day is "every dog has its day".  Check it out !



