

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

all hands on deck 


With only half an hour to get everything ready, it was all hands on deck.


We need all hands on deck to overcome the difficulties.


The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey what's up ? It's Mr.Wong here. When it comes to housework, umm I do them, but once every 3 months. Hey hey hey, it's not because I'm lazy, it's actually because I'm a clean person. I don't need to clean up..... yeah...ok I'm just lazy. But I do live in a small apartment so there's not much for me to clean which reminds me of my school days in the states. I'm not sure how it is now but this was way back in the 90s. Students do not need to clean the classroom after school. We have a guy called Master J to that for us. J stands for janitor or janitress. We call him master J because it sounds cool although his job was to clean toilets and classrooms. I didn't appreciate what he did for us, until I went to China. The schools in China especially elementary schools have students to do that. Well, maybe there is a janitor but during my school years in China I've never seen one. On the bright side, I learned how to use a broom, so that's a good thing right ? Once a month my school would have this thing called "public environmental activities". I'm not sure if I said that right, but we'll just go with that, which requires every student to participate. Oh, "environmental activities", sounds fun right ? Wrong , basically it means we have to clean everything around our school in a 1 mile radius. So it was all hands on deck when it came to that, which brings us to the phrase of the day, "All hands on deck". Check it out !



