There is a large variety of good, inexpensive restaurants.
Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to enhance your home.
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Hey, it's Mr.Wong here. I hope you're doing well. Today's topic is the difference between cheap and inexpensive. Most of us, including me would say, "doesn't it mean the same ? Something that's not expensive right ?" Well kind of(口语很多时候会被念成kinda),brought to you by the internet, cheap is more of a colloquial term, and inexpensive is of a higher register. In other circumstances, cheap is used to describe quality, either in addition to a low price, or without reference to price. "Cheap merchandise" can mean poor quality merchandise. Oh so cheap can mean poor quality as well as low price, whereas inexpensive refers only to the price, I got you(口语很多时候会被念成gotcha) !