
什么是up my game呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

up one's game 


The basketball team needs to up their game.


You need to up your game if you still want to keep the job.


The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up peeps ? It's Mr.Wong here. So I was shooting some hoops at the park this morning, and uh… just so you know I'm not an athletic person. I prefer video games and pigging out in front of the TV while watching cartoons. So yeah I missed every shot until a couple of teenagers showed up and asked me to join their game. I figured, "Why not ?" It actually was the worse decision I've ever made. I found out that these kids are freaking good at the game. The rules were "first to 10", "loser does 50 push-ups". I thought to myself if I wanted to win, I really needed to up my game. I mean how embarrassing would it be to lose to a bunch of teenagers. Yup, you guessed it, I got completely wrecked in those games, and ended up doing more than 150 push-ups. Not bad for a year's workout right ? So today's phrase is "Up one's game". Check it out !




hoops ~ 篮球


pig out ~ 大吃大喝

