

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23



He inherited a lucrative business from his father.


While my mother’s bakery has not been profitable this year, it was quite lucrative last year.


The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, it's Mr.Wong here and I hope you're doing well. Ever had any business ideas, but in the end it didn't turn out how you'd expected ? Well here are top 3 dumbest inventions. Starting at number 3 : "Hair growing sprays". I've never used this product because I don't need it, maybe in the future, hopefully not. But to me it looks like a can of spray paint that hides partial baldness by spraying some sort of powder on your head. It's not a permanent solution since it'll come off once you shower, but wait ! It comes in many colors as well ! Get yours today ! Just kidding.  

Number 2 :"The selfie sticks". Now this is not a dumb or useless invention to me, since we use it all the time, but let me tell you why it's on the list. An early selfie stick perhaps the first was invented in the 1980s by a Japanese guy named Hiroshi Ueda which he calls an extender stick. The extender was patented in 1983 but, to Hiroshi's disappointment, it was not a commercial success, which he said, "It didn't sell very well, the quality of the picture wasn't very good. Women at the time were very embarrassed by the idea of taking photos of themselves. The idea of taking a picture of yourself was very new back then." ,says Hiroshi, "My idea came too early, but that's just one of those things. We call it a 3am invention - it arrived too early." But in the year 2014 the term selfie stick became extremely popular,and in the same year, Time Magazine announced that the selfie stick made the cut as one of the best inventions of 2014. Pretty crazy huh ?

And now the Number 1 dumbest invention ever to hit the market

is - "The pet rock". That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's just a rock that does absolutely nothing, but wait ! There's more ! They now have something called the usb pet rock with a USB port on it. You can now plug it to your PC which still does nothing ! WOW ! I would love to work for that company since they are making millions just selling rocks. Now that's what I call a lucrative career. Andddddddd today's word of the day is "lucrative". Check it out !



This is a USB Pet Rock ! What the ….. !

