1. 茁壮成长、健康成长
2. 欣欣向荣、兴旺、繁荣
The sick dog began to thrive when he was placed with a loving family.
Mosquitoes thrive in areas where there is stagnant water.
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Yo ! What's up everybody ? It's Mr.Wong here. Today we're gonna talk about animals with strong family bonds, which means they need company to thrive. Starting at number 1 : Wolves, wolves have strong bonds between the alpha male and alpha female, some may even sacrifice their own lives to protect the rest of the pack. Oh, and by the way, I am also a wolf. I am a 色狼 wolf, ahem...
Number 2 : Lions, lions live in prides, or close family groups. They work together to hunt and defend their territory. They are considered the most social of all the wild cat species. The females tend to do most of the hunting. Lionesses will sometimes care for neglected cubs by allowing them to suckle.
Number 3 : Elephants,elephants have a structured social order. They have a matriarchal society in which the oldest female is the leader in the family. They lead their families away from dangers, including the presence of predators. Here's an interesting story, back in 2012, two herds of South African elephants made their way to the house of Lawrence Anthony – the conservationist who saved their lives. They stayed at the house for two days apparently mourning his passing. It had taken them 12 hours to reach the house, not having visited in a year and a half. Now that is amazing. Ok, so today's word of the day is "thrive". Check it out !
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander