
adroit 是什么意思呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23



Mr.Wong is quite adroit at flirting with girls.

Mr.Wong 很擅长撩妹子。

She became adroit at dealing with difficult questions.


The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up peeps ? It's Mr.Wong here. Before we talk about today's topic, I was wondering, "what are your hobbies ?" I know most of you like to spend your free time playing video games, some of you like to watch TV dramas, but there's a difference between you and I. My hobby takes years of practice to master. Some say I was born with it, oh what kind of hobby are you talking about you ask ? Haha, I just wanna say...I'm quite adroit at flirting with girls. It's like a uhhh natural instinct for me. If you wanna know more on how to get girls, you can sign up for my class starting at February 32nd, 2018. I'll see you guys there. So today's word of the day is "adroit". Check it out !



