
You do the math 并不是叫你做数学题噢!!

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

You do the math !


Why do you have no savings ? You do the math !

为啥你会没有积蓄 ?你自己算算 !

A : So how was the exam ?

B : My parents weren't happy when they found out about my grades, you do the math !

A : 考试考得怎样啦 ?

B : 我父母知道了我的成绩之后很不高兴,你猜也猜得到啦 !

The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Yo, what's up peeps ? It's Mr.Wong here. So you wanna sound like a native speaker ? Well, you came to the right place my friend, because today, I will teach how to do that with just one phrase, and that is "You do the math !". Haha, it means to figure something out especially when the answer is pretty obvious. Like if someone asks, "Hey, why am I so poor ?". You could say, "You do the math !" Check it out !



