
imminent 是什么意思呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23


1. 即将发生的、临近的、逼近的

2. 迫在眉睫、大难临头

Without the government funding, the closing of the school is imminent.


A new trade agreement is imminent.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey ! It's Wong here. I hope you're doing well. I've been trying to think of a story to lead up to today's word of the day, but I got nothing. So instead, let me tell you 5 interesting facts.

Starting at number 5 : Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun. Number 4 : Hippos can produce their own sunscreen, in a form of sticky reddish sweat. Wow, so next time you see a hippo with red sweat, you'll know what's going on. Number 3 : Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine, can you believe that ? Number 2 : The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine, eww well that's disgusting ! Number 1 : The sunlight you see is in fact about 8.5 minutes old – that’s how long it takes for light to travel to Earth from the Sun. 

Pretty interesting huh ? Now, for today's word of the day, which is "imminent". Let's check it out !



