
Chances are 是什么意思呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

chances are


Chances are, she has already heard the news.


Bring an umbrella with you because chances are, it's going to rain today.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up ? It's Mr.Wong here. When I was in China a couple weeks ago, I decided to visit my friend. He lives really far from my hometown so I had to take the train. Due to Chinese New Year, train tickets were really hard to get, but somehow I managed to get one, the downside was, I had to transfer trains midway and it was a midnight train. As I was waiting to transfer in the train station, I saw one guy running around yelling out someone's name. He was also crying out loud. He kept doing this for 5 minutes, now everyone was looking at him. Some people thought it was hilarious, some people were even laughing out loud, but I didn't think he was funny. This guy was not crazy, he was just really frustrated, it turns out that he couldn't find his daughter and the train was boarding. We all know how hard it was to get tickets at the time and it was freezing cold in the middle of the night. If they miss that train, they'll have to spend the night in the train station, and chances are, they won't be able to get home for a couple of days because trust me, I know every train is packed for the following days. I didn't see what happened in the end because I got on the train, but I really hope that he finds his daughter and they both got home safely. And for those who laughed at him, I just wanna say you're a piece of sh** ! But I learned a lesson that day, if you're traveling, please be at the airport , train station, bus station, an hour or two hours early, keep in mind that you're waiting for your ride, not the other way around. This is just something I wanted to share with you guys. Alright, let's talk about the phrase of the day which is "chances are". Check it out !



