
Last but not least ……

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

Last but not least



I would like to thank my publisher, my editor, and, last but not least, my friends.


Alright, I’ve got my money, my sunglasses and, last but not least, my phone.

好的,我带了钱、墨镜,最后也是同样重要的 - 手机。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Annual Ugly Pageant ! It's like a beauty pageant but for ugly people, where you guys get to vote for the ugliest person on the planet, and only one winner will walk home with the big W tonight, are you ready ? This year's most ugliest person award goes to…… Mr.Wong ! Congratulations ! Come up here and say something to your fans !

WONG: Oh my god ! I never knew I had what it took to get this prize. I would like to thank the Official Wechat Account, everyone on QQ, and last but not least all the haters that talked sh** to me. This award really means a lot to me. Thank you very much !

OK enough with the jokes ! I'm not that ugly, I'm just very……猥琐. Haha ! Anyways, today's phrase of the day is "last but not least". Check it out !




在intro - 前言的部分,出现了most ugliest person,其实在美式口语当中,很多英语母语者为了要更强调「最最最……的」,他们很多时候也会用到most +【superlative】的「形容词」(见下图)。不过在传统写作或考试的时候,我们并不鼓励同学们这样用。

