
a drag 是什么意思呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

a drag

1. 乏味无聊的事情、乏味无聊的人

2. 令人讨厌又耗费时间的事

Don't be such a drag ! Come to the party. 


It's a real drag having to travel so far to work everyday.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up peeps? It's Mr.Wong here. Today we're gonna talk about the phrase "a drag". But before we do, here are 5 short, clever, clean and silly jokes. You know, since I'm all out of ideas in this intro. 

OK Number 1 : I couldn't figure out why the basketball kept getting larger. Then it hit me.

Number 2 :  Why did the old man fall into the well ? Because he couldn't see that well.

Number 3 : I ate a clock yesterday, it was very time consuming.

Number 4 : Why do blind people hate skydiving ? It scares the crap out of their dogs.

Number 5 : Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to help check her balance. So I pushed her over.

Haha, trust me, if you guys got the joke, it's pretty darn clever ! OK, now back to the phrase of the day which is "a drag". Check it out !



