究竟 I'm on it ! 是什么意思呢?
I'm on it !
1. 我来解决吧!
2. 我来!(做某事)
3. 行!我现在去!(做某事)
4. 我马上办!
A : This guy is making noise and I cannot concentrate on my work.
B : Don't worry, I'm on it !
A : 这个家伙在吵闹我不能专心工作!
B : 别担心,我来解决!
A : Can you go to the store and get some milk ?
B : I'm on it !
A : 你能去商店买些牛奶吗?
B : 行!现在去!
A : 正所谓「我不入地狱,谁入地狱?」,警恶惩奸、维护世界和平,呢个任务就交比你啦!好唔好?
B : Don't worry ! I'm on it !
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Hey, what's up peeps ? It's Mr.Wong here. Here's a fun fact for you guys. Have you ever wondered why we put candles on top of a birthday cake ? As it turns out, putting candles on birthday cakes is a tradition that has been around for a long, long time. It can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks, who often burned candles as offerings to their many gods and goddesses.
For the Ancient Greeks, putting candles on a cake was a special way to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to symbolize the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected moonlight.
Candles on cakes became a popular tradition long ago in Germany, too. For religious reasons, Germans would place a large candle in the center of a cake to symbolize “the light of life".
Some scholars believe that other meanings have also been attached to the use of candles on cakes. People may have believed that the smoke from the candles carried their wishes and prayers to gods who lived in the skies. Others probably believed the smoke helped to ward off evil spirits.
Today, we still put birthday candles on cakes. Many people still hold superstitious beliefs about them, too. For example, many people believe that the birthday boy or girl must make a silent wish before blowing out the candles. If all the candles are blown out in one breath, the wish will come true, and the person will have good luck throughout the year. On the other hand, if it takes more than one breath to blow out all the candles or if the person tells someone what the wish was, it will supposedly not come true. Wow, that was long, wasn't it ?
Well I found it kinda interesting so I wanted to share with you guys. Anyways, let's talk about the phrase of the day which obviously had nothing to do with what I just said