
Father's Day Special

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

a chip off the old block


That dude is a chip off the old block. He's really like his dad.


Mike's automotive repair skills rival those of his father. He's a real chip off the old block.

Mike 的汽车修理技术媲美他父亲,真是虎父无犬子呀!

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hello everyone, this is Mr.Wong speaking and I would like to share a story with you guys, here we go:

A lady asked,"How much are these eggs ?" The old man replied,"$0.50 an egg, ma'am." She said,"I'm gonna take 6 eggs for $2.50 or I'm leaving." The old man replied,"Buy them at the price you want, ma'am. Maybe it's a good start for me because I couldn't sell a single egg today and I really need this to live." 

She bought her her eggs at the price of $2.50 and left with the feeling she won. She drove off in her luxurious car and went to a fancy restaurant with her friend. They ordered $400 worth of food and barely ate anything at all. She gave the waiter $500 and told him to keep the hundred as tip.

This story might seem pretty normal to the owner of the restaurant, but very unfair to the egg vendor. The question is - Why do we always need to show that we have power when we buy from the needy ? And why are we so generous to those who don't even need our generosity ?

My father used to buy goods from poor people at high prices, even if he didn't need them. Sometimes he would paid them more. I was stunned and asked him why he did that. So my father replied,"It is a charity wrapped in dignity, my son." 

So what do you guys think about this story? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Now before we talk about today's phrase, I just wanna say,“Dad, you’re still the one I think of when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me.” I wish all the dads out there a Happy Father's Day! Alright, today's phrase of the day is "a chip off the old block", let's check it out!



特别鸣谢:Joan 马德琼女士 为本次分享提供灵感来源。



