

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

make a splash


Russell's new show made a big splash in New York.

Russell 的新节目在纽约引起很大的轰动。

Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film "Taxi Driver".

Jodie foster因电影《出租车司机》而一举成名。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hello and welcome to Mr.Wong's History Class. I'm sure you all know that today is the Duanwu Fesitval also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, but do you know who QuYuan is? I did a lot of research about this guy and thought, "Maybe history was never 100% accurate in detail because none of the results I got were the same." So I'm going tell you guys what I think might have happened around that time, here we go:

Once upon a time there was a dude named QuYuan. He was a minister, a poet, and the number one advisor of the Chu Kingdom. He's got the looks and brains, now this guy was a baller, he had everything he ever wanted, money, girls, BMWs, I mean BMW as in 宝马,you know the horses. Yeah, so this dude was living the life, and he loved his country more than anything else.

But haters gonna hate, there were a bunch of jealous officials talking shit behind his back to the king. They be like, "Eyy, you know that dude QuYuan? Man! He's talking shit about you your highness. I heard he was gonna betray the country! Now we can't let him do that, can we?" So the king summoned QuYuan for questioning,“QuYuan I heard you wanted to betray our country, and you were also talking a lot of shit behind my back.” QuYuan replied, "Your highness! It's not---" "SILENCE!" the king interrupted, "We will not tolerate this kind of behavior! 岂有此理!I hereby banish you to the countryside where you will not be able to talk shit ever again! Go now! Chop chop!"  And so he was slandered by jealous officials and accused of treason. The King dismissed and exiled him. 

During his exile, QuYuan wrote a great deal of enduring poems showing his love and passion for his country. Until one day...the Qin Kingdom defeated and conquered the capital of the Chu Kingdom, on hearing of the defeat, QuYuan in great despair jumped in the Miluo River to his death...…

It is said that the local people, who admired him, raced out in their boats to save him, or at least retrieve his body. This is said to have been the origin of the dragon boat races. During this time, a farmer was having lunch next to the river, he had some leftovers he couldn't finish so he dumped the rice into the water. His friend said, "Hey, what the hell are you doing? I wanted that rice!" The farmer explained, “Oh you remember our homie QuYuan? Well we still can't find his body, I'm throwing rice in the water so the fish won't eat him but eat the rice instead!” “That's a good idea” said his friend. So everyone started throwing sticky rice in the river. This is said to be the origin of zongzi also known as sticky rice dumplings. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen is how it all went down, in my perspective that is. Alright, let's talk about the phrase of the day, which is "make a splash", check it out !





