

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

suit yourself


A: I don't think I'll come to the party tonight.

B: All right, suit yourself!

A: 我想我今晚不会去参加聚会。

B: 好的,随你的便吧!

A: Steak sounds good, but I'll order the chicken because I've been craving it all day!

B: Suit yourself, I'll have the steak.

A: 牛排听起来不错,但是我还是点鸡肉吧,因为我一整天都想吃鸡肉啦!

B: 随便你,我就点牛排。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Ladies and ...Ladies, this is Mr.Wong speaking. And today we're gonna talk about the phrase "suit yourself". Ohh, does that mean you wear a suit by yourself? Not necessarily, suit yourself means you decide the way you want it or have it your way. It's an expression used either humorously or angrily to mean "do what you want to do". Let's say you want to treat your friend out to lunch,but he's like, "Nah I'm okay bro, you go ahead." You could say, "Ok, suit yourself, I'm going to your favorite restaurant!" Haha let's check it out!





