
wear the pants 是什么意思呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

wear the pants

1. 当家人、一家之主

2. (在两个人的感情里)说了算的人

Jack may seem bossy, but it's Lisa that really wears the pants in that relationship.


It looks like Mr.Wong wears the pants in his house.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up folks? It's Mr.Wong here. Here's a quick joke for you:

Late one night a drunk guy is showing some friends around his brand new apartment. The last stop is the bedroom, where a big brass gong sits next to the bed. "Hey, what's that gong for?", his friend asks. "It's not a gong," the drunk replies, "It's a talking clock." "How does it work?" 

The guy picks up the hammer and gives the gong an ear-shattering pound. Suddenly, someone on the otherside of the wall screams, "You asshole! It's 3:30 in the god damn morning!" Ohh man! That's a smart way to tell time. Alright, so today's phrase of the day is "wear the pants", check it out!



特别鸣谢:释然 Shannon 同学为本次分享提供灵感来源。



