
【高级听力】(文末附视频)What Is Coronavirus?

Qatar Gov 英文口语专家 2020-11-24

What Is Coronavirus?

《文 末 附 视 频》

This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

What Is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses to which MERS-CoV belongs and may cause a range of illnesses to humans and animals – from the common cold to severe acute respiratory infection.

Route of Transmission

The means of transmission is not yet fully understood, but some evidence indicate the following:

Droplets from the patient during sneezing or coughing; 


Touching the patient’s stop or services and objects contaminated with the virus;

Direct contact with the infected person;

The possibility of transmission from infected animals.

Signs and Symptoms

The main signs and symptoms for corona infection are fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, and in some cases, diarrhea and vomiting. Some cases with low immunity may develop renal or respiratory failure and even death.

Treatment and Availability of Vaccine 

Patients are provided with the support of treatment based on the patient’s clinical condition, which might include antipyretics, fluids, oxygen, antibiotics and others. Vaccine is in the research phase so far.

Preventive Measures

For your protection, you should follow this advice:

Wash your hands well and continually with water and soap, or with other disinfectants, especially after coughing, sneezing, and using toilets.

Use a handkerchief when coughing or sneezing and cover your mouth and nose with it. Then get rid of the handkerchief in a wastebasket.

Try as much as possible to avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth.

Put on face masks if you’re sick, visiting sick patients, or when traveling to crowded places.

Keep performing the other hygienic habits such as balanced diet and physical activity and sleep well.

Wash vegetables and fruits well before consuming.

Avoid as much as possible contact with infected people or using their personal belongings.

Cook meat thoroughly and boil milk well, especially camel’s one.

Dealing with Animals 

People infected with diabetes, renal failure, chronic lung disease and immunodeficiency should avoid contact with camels. Camel farm and slaughterhouse workers should have facial protection and frequent handwashing after touching animals, especially calves. Elderly patients with chronic diseases or those who are in close contact with camels are urged to visit the nearest health center immediately if they develop symptoms of acute respiratory infection.

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