
观点聚焦 | 院长贲圣林:后疫情时代中国的高等教育与创新及中爱合作建议

努力奋进的 浙大AIF 2022-05-10


代表们就疫情下的商业领域问题进行了专业讨论;同时大会围绕亚洲的全球崛起——亚投行对于私营企业的机会、中国 “十四五”规划的全球业务影响、中国对外投资拉动经济复苏等议题开展交流。


























How do you see quality and quality metrics in China involving Post Covid? There’s been a lot of change.

1) There was some negative impact on International Mobility, especially for institutions more dependent on the international inflow of students. But for ZIBS, we have had the pleasure to host some of the Chinese students who were supposed to be studying in Cornell University or UIUC. They couldn’t travel to the US but benefitted from the approved academic bridge programs hosted by us.

2) In terms of Digitalization, online (learning) is becoming something that we have become more and more comfortable with. How tech-savvy the university is might determine how they can respond to the pandemic swiftly and take advantage of opportunities. 

As a relatively young institution within an established university, ZIBS has a dynamic faculty and are responsive to the changing circumstance in education. Therefore, through online courses or webinars and given the fact that my colleagues are all fluent in English, we have opportunities to connect with the outside world.

3) For those universities stronger in STEM Subjects, they would gain much greater visibility because under the pandemic people have attached a lot more importance on science. Those universities might benefit from the trend and probably obtain more funding, which may affect the metrics as well.

4) It seems that the pandemic has improved the Attractiveness of China as an educational market. For ZIBS, the percentage of international students in the school reached 50%. We are receiving more applications from the international community and admitted over 200 students from 72 countries this year, which shows lot more diverse comparing to last year.

To conclude, in terms of Covid impact on quality and quality metrics, there is a bit of divergence between different institutions. Those institutions who are tech-savvy and willing to embrace digital tools will attract more students. And experience of Chinese universities can serve as an excellent example.


Do you have advice about the partnership between China and Ireland? How to partner and what is the best approach? 

First, I agree with the previous ideas that the relative high rankings of Chinese universities are important indicators for forming potential partnerships. For example, Zhejiang University as a top 5 ranked university in China with high quality education and diverse sources of students, could be a good choice as a partner.

About the question that how to partner and the best approach, my suggestion could be divided into the following points.

1)The first suggestion is to “Think Big”. Because China is a huge nation with many provinces and cities with different locations tend to have their unique and diverse culture. But one thing in common is Chinese universities tend to be ambitious. Therefore, the best way to attract Chinese universities as partners is to devise clear plans and visible progress of development which can demonstrate the potential benefits for targeted Chinese universities from the proposed partnership

2)And meanwhile “Act Slow”. Do something which will help to build the confidence of Chinese universities on the feasibility of partnering with Irish higher education institutes. For example, Ireland could set up programs for student and faculty exchange to gradually build up credibility for further and strengthened partnership. 

To summarize, the process of finding partners and working with them shall be cautious, clear-cut and specific. Different aspects of partnership need to be considered like diversity of regions, locations, institutions and working styles Working harder and taking longer time could help Ireland establish better cooperation with China.

3)Thirdly, another vital point is the positive attitude and support from Chinese government. This factor plays a very important role in the long-term development and overseas expansion of higher education institutions. It is quite often that local governments offer educational institutions with all sorts of financial aids and subsidies.

For example, the local government invested about 3 billion RMB in constructing the Haining International campus of Zhejiang University seven years ago.

To conclude, Firstly, think big to attract Chinese universities by illustrating visible benefits of partnership, act slow with attention to details to build confidence and credibility between partners, gain support of government and seek opportunities for financial support.

Secondly, always choose the right partner in terms of its location, the institution itself, and its people. Considering these factors, Zhejiang University could be a good choice for partnership as it is located in Hangzhou of Zhejiang province, driven by its booming digital economy, Zhejiang’s GDP and GDP per capita ranked the fourth and the fifth respectively, across the nation, in 2020.

It is noteworthy that the digital economic sector of Hangzhou, accounted for more than 1/4 of its overall GDP in 2020, also known as one of the most promising FinTech hubs. Zhejiang University itself currently ranks top three in China, within top 100 by the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings and QS World University Rankings.

Eighteen disciplines of Zhejiang University have been adopted by China’s “Double First-class” Initiative and 39 disciplines received Grade A in the recent national assessment. The university is also known for the entrepreneurship and leadership skills of its graduates, with over 100 alumni leading listed companies, both domestically and abroad.

Thirdly, ZIBS, Zhejiang University International Business School, is one of the best choices for international students to conduct academic research as it is equipped with the best cyber security infrastructure and academic resources. 

I noticed that Ireland has set up the first learning center in Beijing which is a remarkably quick move. As the second largest economy in the world by nominal GDP, with annual economic growth consistently outpacing the U.S., China may be on the track of becoming the largest economy in the years to come. 

As mentioned above, Zhejiang is a province with great potential, among other regions in China, in terms of economic prospects, location, and educational resources. Therefore, apart from Beijing, Zhejiang could be an even better choice for partnership with Irish higher education institutions

Zhejiang University has been exploring opportunities globally for both outbound and inbound collaboration with quality higher education institutions abroad. 

As the rest of the world is becoming more aware of Chinese culture and economic development, they will also be more interested in Chinese higher education system and recognize the value of Chinese degrees. Therefore, we are actively seeking for opportunities to set up educational institutions and branches of Zhejiang University across the globe.


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