
观点聚焦 | 中外学者共话“数智变革与共同富裕”

热爱学术的 浙大AIF 2022-05-10

12月5日,浙江大学金融科技研究院(AIF)、浙江大学国际联合商学院(ZIBS)、浙大城市学院数字金融研究院(IDF)主办;浙江求是创新研究院、浙江省前景大数据金融风险防控研究中心、浙江数字金融科技联合会、北京前沿金融监管科技研究院联合主办;浙江省欧美同学会政协委员会客厅和杭州市前程互联网金融研究中心协办“数智变革与共同富裕峰会,The Forum of Digital Transformation and Common Prosperity”在杭州举行。



Jaya Josie  前南非人文科学研究委员会(HSRC)金砖国家研究中心主任

In South Africa, we have not yet reached the same level as China and perhaps even Scotland, but there is the development of few fintech hubs that has been started. But I think what important part we are lacking is we have not yet developed the ecosystem platforms to work that through. In the meantime, a Nelson Mandela University in the Eastern Cape of South Africa is developing to take platforms, such as the central bank digital currencies to bring together to some countries for trading purposes. We are working this project together with the international Business School of Zhejiang University and some colleagues from there. And hopefully we will be able to come up with reports that we can produce to promote the specific trade and investment issues that have been lacking within the biggest countries and perhaps others. We know for a fact now that China has a pilot scheme playing with Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore and hopefully this can spread to other countries. Africa has a program of free trade area and perhaps using digital currencies, or the central bank digital currencies may help in promoting trade within Africa on that basis. I think these are the issues we are concerning about the Africa.




Herbert Poenisch 浙大AIF学术委员、国际清算银行(BIS)原高级经济学家

Getting the world together even in difficult times like this, sharing ideas, this is wonderful and I’m very proud to be part of that. I listened to the Chinese part and the bank internationalization index. I congratulate you once again for this excellent report. As a former BIS employee, I’m about to announce that BIS is also publishing its index, it's called a global systemically important banks, and they have published that about two weeks ago. And I think if we share the methodology and the data, they will be even more progress on this topic of bank internationalization. And one final point. Chinese banks and that's a statistical issue. They’re very active, extending business from their branches. Resulted from the head office, but branches mainly of course, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, but in many other countries so they get a full picture of the internationalization.




浙大城院数字金融研究院常务副院长谢文武与英国格拉斯哥大学亚当斯密商学院院长John Finch的交流


Professor John Finch shared the ecosystem of Fintech. I have one simple question: It is relatively difficult to build an excellent ecosystem of Fintech since the digital technology and the financial industry are more complex than others. We are facing many problems for every country now, for example, the governance of data in the financial industry. In this context, I was just wondering if we can find a better way for the integration of the financial industry and the digital technology especially for the governance of data and privacy data.

John Finch教授分享了金融科技的生态系统。我有一个简单的问题:由于数字技术和金融业比其他行业更为复杂,因此建立一个优秀的金融科技生态系统相对困难。现在每个国家都面临着许多问题,例如,金融行业的数据治理。在这种情况下,我想知道我们是否能找到一种更好的方式来整合金融业和数字技术,尤其是数据治理和数据保密。

John Finch

The large-scale generation and utilization of data depends on the recycling and recirculating of data, which is realized through the interaction between enterprises and start-ups and platform integration of resources. This is an issue with national and international negotiations and regulation, but it's also to do with trust. The broader concerns are that citizens themselves might feel uncomfortable about sharing their own data. Trust here is related with groups in society, who themselves may feel suspicious or maybe vulnerable or maybe some combination of both. So, this is really strong concerns here again. I think the extreme cases possibly come around medical technology which is probably even harder than financial technology to come up with these solutions. Universities or research organizations have their own integrity for data sharing, which will constrain strong conditions when we use data for research. People can easily look for indictment from Adam Smith where we need a very practical solution to this. In the end, I can only see international standards and it's a real struggle at the moment to get that standard entrust. So, we need to work together against trust issues with financial technology.





Compared with Hong Kong, what is Macao’s unique role in the Greater Bay Area?



Currently, Macao’s economy exclusively relies on the tourism industry. I think the government and people in Macao have been kind of very complacent with the economic situation of Macau simply relying on the gaming industry. They think the gaming industry is good enough to support the development of the whole region. However, the pandemic brought a huge shock to Macao’s tourism industry as well as gaming and hospitality industries. During the pandemic, Macao’s DGP dropped by around 50%. Compared with Macao, Hong Kong has diversified economy driven by finance, logistic and many other industries. Its GDP only fell by about 10% during the pandemic. I think that Macao learnt a lesson from this and now the Macao government is eager to diversify its economy. Also, this idea is supported by the Chinese central government and related development polices. For instance, the University of Macau has a campus on the Hengqin island, only a small place on the island. But, around two months ago, the central government announced that UM’s Hengqin campus and the Hengqin Port would be management by the Macau government. In the future, the cooperation zone will focus on new industries such as modern finance, high-tech manufacturing, and Chinese medicine. In order to meet the changing needs of fast-developing Macao, the Macao government has changed related polices accordingly. Meanwhile, it also realized the importance of talents. Macao will attract more overseas as well as talents from the mainland to contribute to the moderate diversification of Macao’s economy.






★ 学术力量,连结世界!“数智变革与共同富裕峰会”顺利举行!
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编辑 | 倪晨琪

审核 | 沈莉 

            责编 | 程琦喻、耿雨萱、许彦成、耿新

