
Casanova & Madison Garden | 在太古做一个Leasing Manager

Casanova 地产与远方 2023-11-04

文/Casanova & Madison Garden




作为续篇,我们今天来分享一下大中华区当仁不让的行业领袖太古地产Office Leasing Manager 的JD。其实从这样的细节中可以看到一家公司的管理水平和经营思路。


Portfolio Manager (Office Leasing)

Major Responsibilities and Objectives:

§ Assist the Assistant Director for smooth and quality operation of the property center;

§ Ensure effective and quality management and maintenance of property center and in its service delivered to its customers;

§ Negotiate on general leasing and tenancy renewals, short term licenses and prepare related documents for Assistant Director’s approval;

§ Assist the team in contributing to achieve and maintain the required occupancy levels and maximize rental and overall commercial terms;

§ Share responsibilities of budgetary control, rental collection and income protection;

§ Develop and maintain good relations with tenants, prospects, real estate agencies and related Government departments (if applicable);

§ Manage tenant fit-out and renovation projects in the property center.

Major Tasks and Activities

§ Handle leasing enquiries and clearly understand the market conditions, trends and changes;

§ Execute discussions and negotiations for asset related projects (including new lettings) as directed by the Assistant Director;

§ Negotiate lease renewal terms and prepare recommendations and rental proposals/analysis to the Assistant Director;

§ Prepare and draft letters of intent, tenancy agreements, license agreements or other relevant leasing documents for both new lettings and renewals;

§ Assist the Assistant Directors in preparing the annual and five-year budget on income and expenditure of the property center and quarterly forecasting;

§ Supervise the preparation of sales reports, rent roll and other business reports as required;

§ Meet with tenants regularly to develop a good working level relationship, address concerns, opportunities and obtain feedback;

§ Handle tenant’s enquiry and provide assistance and guidance as a professional manager;

§ Develop a good working relationship with property agency networks in order to understand market movements, identify potential tenants and overall market trends;

§ Manage tenant fitting out and renovation;

§ Coordinate with tenants working teams and the property center’s technical team to ensure timely and quality completion of fitting out works;

§ Coordinate with both technical and building management teams on security, items of repair, maintenance and improvement works for the property centers and where necessary, tenants premises;

§ Handle general property management matters and insurance matters;

§ Manage and supervise staff members reporting to this position.

Scope Dimensions

§ Employees Supervised: 2-4

Skills, Qualifications and Experience Requirements:

§ University graduate of a real estate or business or commercial discipline, with a minimum 5 years’ experience in retail or office leasing and property management;

§ Relevant professional qualifications such as Surveying or equivalent would be an advantage;

§ Fluent spoken and written English and Mandarin;

§ Good negotiation, communication and interpersonal skills with a strong customer service oriented attitude;

§ Exposure in working with foreign companies in the PRC, and in liaising with international companies/clients would be an advantage;

§ Good sense of market, and attention to detail;

§ Conversant with the use of PC in particular Windows, MS Word and MS Excel.



Portfolio Manager

远方评论:Portfolio Manager即大家所说的Leasing Manager。请注意!为什么不叫Leasing Manager, 而是Portfolio Manager?这里面充满深意。Portfolio,度娘解释:a list of the financial assets held by an individual or abank or other financial institution. 就是物业或者物业组合的意思。所以这个Title内部的正式中文名叫做物业营运经理。别觉得像是负责保安保洁,low low的,这个细小差别的背后意味着你要负责的不是租光项目,而是对项目的长期运营负责


Major Responsibilities and Objectives:

§ Ensure effective and quality management and maintenance of property center and in its service delivered to its customers;

远方评论:这个要求多数发展商的JD里都看不到。这也是因为所谓的Portfolio Manager承担了日后运营过程中对客第一接口的作用,对客的service也体现了你作为一个物业营运人的专业素养,专业!专业!专业!真的很重要。

§ Share responsibilities of budgetary control, rental collection and income protection;

远方评论:Income protection!好赞的concept!这即是长期收益最大化的概念。不单单是指按时收租收费,也包括对于租户背景、经营状况的把握,包括根据市场状况从长远的角度最大化公司的利润,这些都可以称得上income protection。在现在天朝各地P2P遍地开花的季节,这个问题值得很多发展商深思,租型出去了,就代表租赁结束了?等有一天有人不买单就跑路的时候,你有这个能力来处理吗?真的到时只是法务部的事情吗?

Major Tasks and Activities:

§ Prepare and draft letters of intent, tenancy agreements, license agreements or other relevant leasing documents for both new lettings andrenewals;


§ Assist the Assistant Directors in preparing the annual and five-year budget on income and expenditure of the property center and quarterly forecasting;

远方评论:Again. 租赁要懂点财务啊!或许不用像Westfield要求的那样会算NPV。但只有具有基本财务素养甚至房地产金融素养的租赁,才能系统的把握项目资产增值的责任。但同时,也千万不能做技术官僚,唯数字论。其实不单是租赁要懂财务,财务也应该懂一些租赁。这样才是完美的状态。太古的高层均为租赁方向身的专家,尊重市场尊重行业,以此为基础,才能通过财务数据发现各种行业分布、租赁周期、财务数据合理Balance的状态。

§ Handle general property management matters and insurance matters;

远方评论:Insurance matters,insurance matters!JD上写保险的东家,真的够专业……保险有多重要?真的有过几年运营经验的朋友应该都懂的。我接触过一次漏水索赔金额就上千万的。不过真的蛮可悲的是,保险还真的没有多少人重视。租户不重视、自家老板也不重视。(其实保费真的不贵)这点吧,或许也就是要等行业慢慢成熟了。




  1. 整体的行业人力资源水平:就算你想抄,你也没有太古的人力去实现。

  2. 管理者的意识差距:嗯……很多土豪老板的思路……不讲了……

  3. 内资企业职业经理人文化的普遍缺失:尊重专业、摆脱人情意识。可惜多数的内资公司习惯于任用老臣子、小兄弟。当然国内的所谓职业经理人也确实并不能让人放心。

  4. 商业地产的经营意识:有几家是认认真真运营经营的?有几家不想着捞快钱?




