
感恩节 vs 黑色星期五 | 我也试图用消费主义,来填补灵魂中的空虚

和之梦放送 和之梦 2020-02-02


南京大学中美文化研究中心 国际关系研究生



They say the older you get, the faster time seems to go by. That has certainly been true for me and I suspect it is also why the boundaries between Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to get more and more blurry each year. 


For some reason unbeknownst to me, the three months of October, November and December go by unusually fast. This is the time of the year when it is easiest to experience burnout, when the sudden drop in temperature eats away at your mood and saps away your energy to get things done.


Fortunately for Americans, during this dreadful time period we have three excuses to eat, drink and be merry!





Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are the three big holidays into America. I am sure most readers here are somewhat familiar with Halloween and Christmas, after all these holidays do have a notable albeit small presence in China. 


Thanksgiving? Not so much. For this article, I won’t go into too much detail on the history of Thanksgiving (and how the Thanksgiving story is all wrong), instead I will just let everyone have a small glimpse at what I did.


Since I am from a family of immigrants, it is normal for us to have the usual American dishes with a smattering of Iranian and Afghan food. Mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus and of course Turkey… plus rice and lamb!





Right before we dug in, we went around the table and had everyone say what they are thankful for. I was tired from my long journey home and can not recall what I said. Suffice it to say at that moment I was thankful for the food.


After our meal, my family split off into groups. The older adults sat around a table drinking tea while the kids and younger adults (包括我,我内心还是个宝宝)played video games. Some families watch football but that never really caught on in our family.




Americans have another strange tradition. After going around the table to give thanks, we almost immediately run off to buy things we don’t need in a shopping frenzy known as Black Friday. The irony of Thanksgiving vs Black Friday is not lost on most people, but the deals are too damn good. 



Every year, the boundary between Thanksgiving and Black Friday also seems to get blurrier. Some people start standing in line in front of stores as early as 5:00 pm on Thanksgiving night, when everyone should be having dinner.

I did not go out that early, but I did succumb to Black Friday temptations. Like many, I too sought to fill the gaping void in my soul with thoughtless consumerism!



First I bought a pair of noise-cancelling headphones (because who needs social interaction!).


I almost got ripped off by the first store I went to.


After that I bought a new backpack on sale for Black Friday.





aaaaand it got ripped. A small hole appeared in my backpack during my flight back.




Alas, Thanksgiving was never about the Black Friday sales. It was really about being thankful… thankful for all of you!

Let’s go around the table. What is everyone thankful for?





文字 | 贾德林
编辑 | 阿群
翻译 | 阿群、时慧
图片 | 来自网络

音乐 | You are not alone-Michael Jackson


汤浅政明 | 宫崎骏口中100年一遇的天才动画师

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