
深圳展览资讯 | GREAT ART SPACE 宏艺空间:黄金11月,多展呈现!

杂人 杂人 2023-06-06





GREAT ART SPACE 宏艺空间致力于发掘和扶持有潜质的艺术家,提供国际艺术交流平台,培养大众的艺术鉴赏能力,让艺术走进我们的生活。




开幕式 Opening  2019/11/22  6:00PM

展览时间 Exhibition Time  2019/11/22-12/22

宏艺空间与英国Chrom.art 联合呈献13位英国艺术家的《2019英国画家群展》,带来共计35件作品,涵盖油画、丙烯、数码印刷、纸上绘画、混合媒介等创作形式,艺术流派汇集抽象、波普、街头艺术等多重风格。

GREAT ART SPACE collaborates with UK Chrom.art to present Chrom-Art British Contemporary Art Exhibition 2019, the group exhibition features thirty five pieces of artworks from thirteen British artists, which covers forms of oil painting, acrylic painting, digital print, and mixed mediums, with different art styles such as abstract, pop art, street art etc..

AZIZ ANZABI‘One more step’(2014)

Oil and Acrylic on Canvas,102x 66cm

GHADA CHAMMA,Maneall(Cells)2015

mixed media,65×85cm

MARC CRAIG Untitled 2016,

gloss paint and marker pen on paper,70×100cm


Dawn of Reborn 陈佳曦个展

开幕式 Opening  2019/11/22  6:00PM

展览时间 Exhibition Time  2019/11/22-12/22


我总觉得我就是一件活生生的艺术品,我有历史故事和智慧。我仍然对艺术和创造的世界着迷, 我欣赏周围一切的美和另类,我真正享受创造艺术的每一刻,谈论艺术、绘画是梦,我生来就是一个真正的艺术爱好者…我不喜欢在我的艺术中有固定的风格;我渴望寻找新的和有意义的创造力方式。我也喜欢在随机性中不受限制地搜索我们的无意识灵感,发现灵魂最深处的一面,发现大脑的痒点,呼应我们的心...

I always feel I am a piece of living art; I have a history story and wisdom. My artistic sense started when I was little。I am still fascinated by art and creativity world, inspiring art and beauty around us, I am genuinely enjoying every moment creating art, talking about art, dreaming about painting. I was born as a true art lover. I don't like to have fixed style in art,and I am hungry to searching for new and meaningful ways of creativity. I also enjoy searching unrestrictedly in randomness for the unconscious mind, discovering the deepest side of the soul, finding the itching bit of the brain, echoing our hearts.

抽象睡眠   布面丙烯   70×90cm   2019

纸本综合材料   lnk print on paper   84x54cm   2019

纸本综合材料   lnk print on paper   84x55cm   2019


Cypher 解密 by Architect

开幕式 Opening  2019/11/22  7:40PM

展览时间 Exhibition Time  2019/11/22-12/22


Humankind has always been seeking for balance. On the east its called YingYang, on the west - Derlib’s scale. Habits, heath, surrounding, love — everything should have balance. This is an axiom, this is the basics of our existence. Not only the philosophers of the past, but also the writers and thinkers of the present were trying to find the balance. George Lucas highlighted it the best in his works, where one cannot survive without reaching the balance and finding the consensus with it’s demons. Architect’s paintings have a perfect balance between the beautiful abstraction technique and the code, which represents the rationalism of being. Every single work attracts all sort of people. 

Architect Untitled   布面油画   1.5x2.4m


展位 B3 B5 B18

贵宾预览 VIP Preview

2019/11/21  12:00-21:30 (周四)

公众开放 Public Opening

2019/11/22-24  10:00-18:00 (周五-周日)

展览地点  深圳会展中心8号馆 

Hall 8, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center


宏艺空间荣幸向大家宣布空间将会再次携手新加坡画廊近意美术馆参加2019年的深圳国际艺术博览会,展出包括:Architect, Alexandra Voronina, Gloria Carnevale, Hamish Todd, KRÜTZ SīVÆL, 杜晴,鲍菡,陈世集,蔡清坤,符致珊,黄意会,林仰章

Great Art Space is delighted to announce that we will be participating at 2019 SIAF (Shenzhen International Art Fair) together with Singapore gallery G Art Gallery. Artists including: Architect, Alexandra Voronina, Gloria Carnevale, Hamish Todd, Krutz Sivael, Bao Han, Du Qing, Tan Tee Chie, Chua Cheng Koon, Foo Chee San, Ng Yak Whee, Ling Yang Chang.

KRÜTZ SīVÆL Too Many Thoughts, 2018, 

Acrylic, oil ink on canvas, 122 x 90 cm

Gloria Carnevale,Shadows 10 - 70, 2018

Monoprint,20.5 X 15.5 cm X 60 pieces

陈世集,新加坡东海岸 singapore east coast,1961,

Oil on canvas,40x50cm

符致珊,依水而生 water side,1980,

Chinese Ink ,75x70cm

蔡清坤,风之谷 II,Wind from the Valley II,

2019,Oil Acrylic on linen 113 X 157cm

陈书强 ,Space #15   空间 #15,2016

亚克力加炭笔 Acyclic & Charcoal  60 x 60cm

黄意会,城市之光City Light

,2018,Mixed media(混合媒体),49.5 X 100cm

杜晴,牢笼之二, 2015,布面油画,70X35cm

Hamish,I Did a Big Loop ,2019,

Ink,polymer,acrylic,and tray paper on paper 

28 x 29cm

Voronina Alexandra,Mirroring,2017,

Canvas oil painting, frame acrylic painting on wood,50×60cm

KRÜTZ SīVÆL,The Onion,2019,

Acrylic,graphite,ink on canvas,90 x 90cm


No.1003 Shennan Ave., Futian, Shenzhen

Open Daily 10:00-19:00






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