
肿瘤配对样本用varscan 做cnv分析

jimmy 生信技能树 2022-06-07

VarScan v2.2.4 以及更新的版本里面添加了这个分析,主要是针对matched tumor-normal pairs的WES数据来进行分析,得到的是肿瘤测序数据相当于其正常组织测序结果的拷贝数变化情况。输出文件是经典的 chromosome, start, stop, and log-base-2 of the copy number change 与拷贝数芯片输出结果类似,所以这个结果可以被bioconductor的DNAcopy包来进行segment算法处理。



这里选取的是前面博文 ESCC-肿瘤空间异质性探究 | 生信菜鸟团 提到的数据,如下:

  1. -r--r--r-- 1 jianmingzeng jianmingzeng 17G Sep 22 00:01 ESCC13-N_recal.bam

  2. -r--r--r-- 1 jianmingzeng jianmingzeng 22G Sep 22 02:09 ESCC13-T1_recal.bam

  3. -r--r--r-- 1 jianmingzeng jianmingzeng 21G Sep 22 01:59 ESCC13-T2_recal.bam

  4. -r--r--r-- 1 jianmingzeng jianmingzeng 16G Sep 21 23:29 ESCC13-T3_recal.bam

  5. -r--r--r-- 1 jianmingzeng jianmingzeng 17G Sep 22 00:32 ESCC13-T4_recal.bam




step1:得到raw copynumber calls

  1. normal='/home/jianmingzeng/data/public/escc/bam/ESCC13-N_recal.bam'

  2. GENOME='/home/jianmingzeng/reference/genome/human_g1k_v37/human_g1k_v37.fasta'

  3. for tumor in /home/jianmingzeng/data/public/escc/bam/*-T*.bam

  4. do

  5. start=$(date +%s.%N)

  6. echo  `date`

  7. file=$(basename $tumor)

  8. sample=${file%%.*}

  9. echo calling $sample

  10. samtools mpileup -q 1 -f $GENOME $normal $tumor |\

  11. awk -F"\t" '$4 > 0 && $7 > 0' |\

  12. java -jar ~/biosoft/VarScan/VarScan.v2.3.9.jar copynumber - $sample --mpileup 1

  13. echo  `date`

  14. dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)

  15. printf "Execution time for $sample : %.6f seconds" $dur

  16. echo

  17. done



  1. chrom    chr_start   chr_stop    num_positions   normal_depth    tumor_depth log2_ratio  gc_content

  2. 1    10023   10122   100 14.5    11.1    -0.382  50.0

  3. 1    10123   10163   41  15.3    12.4    -0.306  53.7

  4. 1    10165   10175   11  12.2    11.5    -0.089  54.5

  5. 1    10180   10215   36  11.0    10.9    -0.015  50.0

  6. 1    12949   13048   100 17.5    17.0    -0.041  62.0

  7. 1    13049   13148   100 26.5    32.9    0.314   61.0

  8. 1    13149   13248   100 50.2    52.2    0.056   57.0

  9. 1    13249   13348   100 59.7    79.3    0.409   60.0

  10. 1    13349   13448   100 56.4    70.1    0.313   53.0



  1. java -jar ~/biosoft/VarScan/VarScan.v2.3.9.jar  copyCaller  ESCC13-T1_recal.copynumber --output-file varScan.T1.cnv.called


  1. Reading input from ESCC13-T1_recal.copynumber

  2. 1959962 raw regions parsed

  3. 498738 met min depth

  4. 498738 met min size

  5. 206188 regions (20520229 bp) were called amplification (log2 > 0.25)

  6. 194622 regions (19384202 bp) were called neutral

  7. 97928 regions (9726174 bp) were called deletion (log2 <-0.25)

  8. 213 regions (20539 bp) were called homozygous deletion (normal cov >= 20 and tumor cov <= 5)


  1. rm(list=ls())

  2. library(DNAcopy)

  3. a=read.table('varScan/varScan.T3.cnv.called',stringsAsFactors = F,header = T)

  4. head(a)

  5. CNA.object <- CNA(cbind( a$adjusted_log_ratio),

  6.                  a$chrom,a$chr_start,

  7.                  data.type="logratio",sampleid="T3")

  8. smoothed.CNA.object <- smooth.CNA(CNA.object)

  9. segment.smoothed.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object, verbose=1)

  10. sdundo.CNA.object <- segment(smoothed.CNA.object,

  11.                             undo.splits="sdundo",

  12.                             undo.SD=3,verbose=1)

  13. head(sdundo.CNA.object$output)

  14. dim(sdundo.CNA.object$output)

  15. dim(sdundo.CNA.object$data)

  16. dim(sdundo.CNA.object$segRows)

  17. head(sdundo.CNA.object$segRows)

  18. tail(sdundo.CNA.object$segRows)

  19. save.image(file = 'DNAcopy_T3.Rdata')


  1. > head(sdundo.CNA.object$output)

  2.  ID chrom loc.start loc.end num.mark seg.mean

  3. 1 T3     1     13049 1666302     1548  -0.2183

  4. 2 T3     1   1669546 1684191       11  -0.9250

  5. 3 T3     1   1684291 2704373     1037  -0.1705

  6. 4 T3     1   2705756 2705956        3  -1.7230

  7. 5 T3     1   2706056 6647084     1568  -0.2122

  8. 6 T3     1   6647184 6647584        5   0.6866

  9. > dim(sdundo.CNA.object$output)

  10. [1] 3079    6

  11. > dim(sdundo.CNA.object$data)

  12. [1] 499065      3

  13. > dim(sdundo.CNA.object$segRows)

  14. [1] 3079    2

  15. > head(sdundo.CNA.object$segRows)

  16.  startRow endRow

  17. 1        1   1548

  18. 2     1549   1559

  19. 3     1560   2596

  20. 4     2597   2599

  21. 5     2600   4167

  22. 6     4168   4172

  23. > tail(sdundo.CNA.object$segRows)

  24.     startRow endRow

  25. 3074   497115 498045

  26. 3075   498046 498048

  27. 3076   498049 498782

  28. 3077   498783 498785

  29. 3078   498786 498903

  30. 3079   498904 499065

找到拷贝数变异后,除了需要过滤,还需要进行注释,如果有多个样本,还需要在群体里面找寻找recurrent copy number alterations (RCNAs)


We recently published Correlation Matrix Diagonal Segmentation (CMDS) to search for RCNAs using SNP array-based copy number data, and this program can be applied to exome-based copy number data as well. (这个一般用GISTIC咯)



