Reading event summary of Three-body Problem
Great imagination inspirs our minds!!
The third gathering of the Hi ReadingClub was coincidentally on 23rd Jan, the coldest day of this winter, the lowest weather tempreture of 23rd for the last 50 years! But we finally have 13 people get throuth the coldness and the BIG Beijing city to discuss the book----Three-body Problem. And Makers Global employee also came to work that cold Saturday. All warmest thanks to all of you! It is said that was TRUE LOVE........
The book to discuss was the first of the trilogy written by Cixin Liu “The Three-Body Problem”. Initially the event wouldhave two leading readers but the extreme cold weather of the season kept one inbed with fever and soit was William Wang, a multimedia journalist and writer himself, who guided the group to talk about this award-winning novel of science fiction.
William started the presentation talking about the differences between the Chinese and the English version of the book especially in the first chapter of “The Three-Body Problem” and the group had the opportunityto discuss about the difficulties to attractthe attention of a foreign audience when talking about Chinese history. Science Fiction in China is quite recent and the book of Cixin Liu, being currently the most popular one, has attracted a lot of speculations regarding the reasons for which it has won the Hugo Award. Nevertheless, all the participants were great fans of the novel andWilliam’s presentation helped everyone to see all the brilliant points of thestory.
The discussion went on about the heroes’ character, and especially the choices of the main female protagonist; the decision of the author to give this world-changing role to a woman.We talked about her personality and the probability or not that suchkind of person could exist in reality. Furthermore the discussion continuedwith the “human nature” of the aliens and how the author made us think of themboth individually and as a group. On this subject the participants discussed about the power of response an inter-connected group could have had in casesuch an occasion, as the one between Earth and Trisolaris, could occur.
Participants spoke both in English and in Chinese language about a number of philosophical and scientific matters and some questioned the capability of the audience to fully comprehend a story with somany scientific references. There was a discussion about what is the motivationto read any type of book; just for pleasure or only for specific cause and/or research and how useful it is or not in life after finishing a book.
For certain, “The Three-Body Problem” is not only for scientists, since it attracted the attention of a very diverse public andit has inspired questions about a variety of arguments as: human nature, the attitude and the reactions towards adversity, the sense oflife, the future of humanity and so on. Even though some of the participants had read the entire trilogy, some only the first book and a few nothing yet, everybody with the help of William Wang contributed to a very interesting discussion for of the 3rd Hi Reading Club. Thank you everyone for participating.
NO1 | 乡土中国 | 费孝通 |
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NO5 | 王阳明大传 | 冈田武彦 |
NO6 | 正见 | 宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切 |
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NO8 | 21世纪资本论 | 托马斯皮盖蒂 |
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