

2016-10-17 赵海德 精神与时间的房子

When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand German.


1.  The widespread public shock at the news of the guilty verdict was caused partly by ___ news stories that had ___ acquittal. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A buried

D condemned

B impartial

E denied

C biased

F predicted

2.  Although the young violinist’s ___ performance with the orchestra demonstrated his technical competence, his uninspired style and lack of interpretive maturity labeled him as a novice musician rather than as a truly ___ performer. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A blundering

D conventional

B marginal

E inept

C steady

F accomplished

3.  Ethologists are convinced that many animals survive through learning—but learning that is ___ their genetic programming, learning as thoroughly ___ as the most instinctive of behavioral responses. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A dictated by

D transient

B superseded by

E inventive

C supplanted by

F stereotyped

4.  Literature is inevitably a ___ rather than ___ medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A colorful

D a drab

B distorting

E a neutral

C transparent

F an opaque

5.  Prior to the work of Heckel, illustrations of fish were often beautiful but rarely ___ ; this fact, combined with the ___ nature of most nine-teenth-century taxonomic descriptions, often kept scientists from recognizing differences between species. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A impressive

D detailed

B traditional

E inexact

C precise

F sophisticated

6.  The insecticide proved ___ ; by killing the weak adults of a species, it assured that the strong ones would mate among themselves and produce offspring still more ___ to its effects. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A cruel

D hostile

B counterproductive

E vulnerable

C necessary

F resistant

7.  Though dealers insist that professional art dealers can make money in the art market, even an ___ knowledge is not enough: the art world is so fickle that stock-market prices are ___ by comparison. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A artist’s

D booming

B investor’s

E erratic

C insider’s

F predictable

8.  Unfortunately, since courses in nutrition are often ___ medical school curriculums, a family physician is ___ to be an enlightening source of general information about diet. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A encountered among

D expected

B squeezed into

E unlikely

C neglected in

F intended

9.  The theory of cosmic evolution states that the universe, having begun in a state of simplicity and ___ , has ___ into great variety. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A equilibrium

D modulated

B homogeneity

E differentiated

C contrast

F accelerated

10.  Although supernovas are among the most ___ of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to ___ , either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A remote

D detect

B luminous

E foresee

C predictable

F disregard


1.  The widespread public shock at the news of the guilty verdict was caused partly by ___ news stories that had ___ acquittal. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A buried

D condemned

B impartial

E denied

C biased

F predicted



verdict (陪审团的)判断,裁决,决议,意见

impartial 不偏不倚的,公正的

biased 有偏见的,有偏好的

condemn 指摘,谴责,官方宣称(某事物)有缺陷或不宜使用,宣判(某人)(死)刑

2.  Although the young violinist’s ___ performance with the orchestra demonstrated his technical competence, his uninspired style and lack of interpretive maturity labeled him as a novice musician rather than as a truly ___ performer. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A blundering

D conventional

B marginal

E inept

C steady

F accomplished



blunder 跌跌撞撞地走路,犯大错,说(傻话,错话)

marginal 边缘的,页边空白的,微不足道的,(竞选等)仅以微弱优势获胜的,边际效用的(刚好以回收成本的效率进行生产)

steady 稳重的,平稳牢固的,持续的,固定不便的

competence 胜任,称职,特长,与能力匹配的收入,(法院、法官等的)管辖权

uninspired 枯燥的,无想象力的,缺乏灵感的

interpretive 解释的,体现的,理解的,口译的

inept 愚蠢的,笨拙的,不适宜的,不擅长的

3.  Ethologists are convinced that many animals survive through learning — but learning that is ___ their genetic programming, learning as thoroughly ___ as the most instinctive of behavioral responses

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A dictated by

D transient

B superseded by

E inventive

C supplanted by

F stereotyped



but 在本句中做副词而非连词,仅仅,只

dictate 口述,命令,支配

supersede 取代,接替

supplant 取代,代替

transient 转瞬即逝的

inventive 发明的,有创造力的

stereotyped 模式化的,无个性的

4.  Literature is inevitably a ___ rather than ___ medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A colorful

D a drab

B distorting

E a neutral

C transparent

F an opaque



colorful 多彩的,多样的,多种趣味的

distorting 变形的,曲解的

transparent 透明的

drab 浅褐色的,褪色的,乏味的

neutral 中立的,中性的,无明显特征的

opaque 不透光的,难以穿透的,难以理解的



5.  Prior to the work of Heckel, illustrations of fish were often beautiful but rarely ___ ; this fact, combined with the ___ nature of most nine-teenth-century taxonomic descriptions, often kept scientists from recognizing differences between species. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A impressive

D detailed

B traditional

E inexact

C precise

F sophisticated



illustration 说明解释,例证(或用以证明的材料),图解、图示

impressive 给人以深刻印象的

detailed 细节丰富翔实的

sophisticated 老于世故的,复杂精密的,深奥微妙的

taxonomic 生物分类(学)的

description (对人或事物的)描述,形容,描绘

6.  The insecticide proved ___ ; by killing the weak adults of a species, it assured that the strong ones would mate among themselves and produce offspring still more ___ to its effects. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A cruel

D hostile

B counterproductive

E vulnerable

C necessary

F resistant



counterproductive 起反效果的,损害本来目标的

hostile 极不友好的,厌恶的,敌意的

用杀虫剂的本意是杀虫,结果最终得到了一些强虫特点是越来越不怕杀虫剂,所以叫 counterproductive ;

有同学说,第二空应选 hostile,虫子都憎恨杀虫剂,你杀我那么多同胞,恨你,很合理啊。这个想法很可(you)爱(zhi),可这是你站在虫子的角度替虫子想出来的,目前科学界还没有证据证明虫子能意识到是含有某些有毒物质的化学药剂把它们干死了,这种推理本质上是一次发散,而且是暴露自己内心的一次勇敢(er)发散。

7.  Though dealers insist that professional art dealers can make money in the art market, even an ___ knowledge is not enough: the art world is so fickle that stock-market prices are ___ by comparison. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A artist’s

D booming

B investor’s

E erratic

C insider’s

F predictable



insider 会员,圈内人士

fickle 无常的,易变的

booming 发出低沉声音的,繁荣的,暴涨的

erratic 飘忽不定的,古怪的,缺乏一贯性的



1 标准相对明确的行业,是否投机相对小?

2 投机行为是某个品类被热炒的原因吗?有没有可能投机其实是其他因素的外在表现,比如货币超发。

8.  Unfortunately, since courses in nutrition are often ___ medical school curriculums, a family physician is ___ to be an enlightening source of general information about diet. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A encountered among

D expected

B squeezed into

E unlikely

C neglected in

F intended



squeeze 榨取、汲取,压榨,为某事物设法腾出空间或挤出时间,挤入,塞入

since 在此处相当于 because,这是我在这套题里最后一次唠叨这事儿了,忍耐一哈。

9.  The theory of cosmic evolution states that the universe, having begun in a state of simplicity and ___ , has ___ into great variety. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A equilibrium

D modulated

B homogeneity

E differentiated

C contrast

F accelerated



equilibrium 均衡,平静,沉着,均势

homogeneity 同质

modulate 调节,调制,改变

differentiate 变得不同


10.  Although supernovas are among the most ___ of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to ___ , either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds. 

Blank (i)

Blank (ii)

A remote

D detect

B luminous

E foresee

C predictable

F disregard



remote 遥远的,偏僻的,隔离的,疏远的,轻微的

luminous 发光的,暴露在光线下的,清楚的,容易理解的

detect 发现,察觉,侦查

foresee 预知,预见

disregard 忽略,漠视



超新星 【supernova】




