
简明James Jean丨东西融合 The Integration of Eastern and Western

Sun Can SHMADNESS 2022-01-23

GOAT IV, Acrylic on Wood Panel, 48 x 36”, 2021. 

山羊(4),丙烯酸木面板,48 x 36, 2021。

“Though I grew up in the U.S., I’ve never truly felt at home there, and since my ability to read and speak Chinese is non-existent, I’ll never truly feel at home in Asia either. Perhaps it’s this sense of isolation that has driven me into making art in the first place.” 


- James Jean, in an interview with Neo Cha, 2015

- 在2015年NeoCha的一次采访中简明如是说。


James Jean was born in Taiwan in 1979 but moved to New Jersey with his parents when he was a child. He is a Taiwanese-American artist who now lives in Los Angeles. Because of his unique and turbulent early experiences, James neither spoke Chinese nor had a sense of identity with American culture, which made his childhood very lonely. He sometimes joked that he was an alien and used the word "trauma" to describe his childhood. Although accompanied by pain, this unique childhood experience of wandering between Eastern and Western cultures not only became the motivation for James Jean's creation but also laid the foundation for his painting style that is the integration of East and West.



I knew James Jean from the time he made the cover posters for several of Hollywood's famous films such as Blade Runner 2049, Mother!, and The Shape of Water. But before that, he was a very successful and diverse commercial painter and artist.



After graduating from college, he soon became a cover artist for DC's Batman, Batman Woman, Arrow, and other books. He is also known for his Fables series. At the same time, ESPN, Prada, Apple, Time, Playboy, and other companies have cooperated with him. Murakami also invited Jean to stay in his Japanese gallery Kaikai Kiki, expressing his love for him and personally holding Jean’s solo exhibition in Tokyo.

在简明大学毕业之后,他很快就成为了DC公司各种书籍的封面画家,作品包括大名鼎鼎的蝙蝠侠、女蝙蝠侠、绿箭侠等,代表作Fables系列也颇有名气。同时,ESPN 、Prada、Apple、时代、花花公子等公司都与他有过合作,村上隆也邀请简明入住自己在日本画廊Kaikai Kiki,表达了对他的强烈喜爱并亲自操持他在东京的个展。


PORTAL RECTO, Stained & Fused Glass, 35 7/16” x 56 5/8”, 2018. 

PORTAL  RECTO,染色和熔融玻璃,35 7/16 x 56 5/8, 2018。

GAIA, Fused Glass, Lead, Steel, and Incandescent Bulb, 52 x 52 x 93”, 2019. 

盖亚,熔融玻璃,铅,钢,白炽灯,52 x 52 x 93, 2019。

SCHRÖDINGER'S KITTEN RESCUE, Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. April 2018. 

救援薛定谔的猫, Sawtelle Blvd, 2018年4月, 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶。

James Jean has also won seven Eisner Awards, including Best Cover Artist, Best Short Story, and three Best Cover Artist of Harvey awards, and Bronze Lion Award of Cannes Lions Festival. Among them, the Eisner Award is regarded as the Oscars of the American comic book industry, which is an iconic award of the American comic book culture. It is his unique style of painting that has won him various awards.

同样,简明作品获得的荣誉奖项更是不胜枚举,Eisner奖七次,包括最佳封面艺术家、最佳Short Story等七个,另外还有三个Cover Artist of Harvey奖项和戛纳铜狮奖等。其中Eisner奖是作为美国漫画文化标志性的奖项,被认为是美国漫画届的奥斯卡。使简明获得种种奖项的,是他独特的绘画风格.


JELLY  II, Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 48”, 2021. 

果冻II,画布上的丙烯酸,36 x 48, 2021。

BATHERS, Acrylic on Three Canvases, 360 x 120”, 2019. 

沐浴者,三幅画布上的丙烯,360 x 120, 2019。

AVIARY, Acrylic on Three Canvases, 246 x 120”, 2019. 

鸟舍,三幅油画上的丙烯,246 x 120, 2019。

ADRIFT III,Acrylic on Three Canvases, 198 x 98”, 2020. 

漂流III,三幅油画上的丙烯,198 x 98, 2020。

James Jean's art style was influenced by Chinese scroll paintings and Japanese prints, with smooth and delicate strokes reminiscent of thang-ga, Dunhuang frescoes, and Japanese ukiyo-e. Both Thang-ga and Dunhuang frescoes are Chinese religious paintings with elegant lines but powerful, and both of them have strong religious characteristics. James Jean's works also give people a strong sense of sacredness. Ukiyo-e is a Japanese genre of painting or print painting, which is divided into beauty painting, landscape painting, flowers, and birds painting, and so on. These are also the subjects that James Jean likes to paint. It can be said that in terms of technique and content, James Jean's works are full of Asian cultural influence, and many of his works revolve around tragic heroism and romanticism.

James Jean的艺术风格受中国卷轴画和日本版画的影响很大,其笔触线条流畅细腻,令人联想到唐卡、敦煌壁画以及日本的浮世绘。唐卡和敦煌壁画都是中国的宗教画,线条飘逸但是富有力量,且两者都具有浓郁的宗教特色,James Jean的作品也给人强烈的神圣感。浮世绘也就是日本的风俗画或版画,内容分为美人绘、风景绘、花鸟绘等,这些也是James Jean喜欢的绘画题材。可以说,无论是技法上还是内容上,James Jean的作品中都充斥着属于亚洲文化的影响,许多作品里都带有一种悲剧的英雄主义和浪漫主义色彩。

 EDEN, Acrylic on Canvas, 48 x 60”, 2020. EDEN,

画布上的丙烯酸,48x60, 2020。

ATHENA, Acrylic on Canvas, 60 x 48”, 2020. 雅典娜,画布上的丙烯酸,60 x 48, 2020。

LORY,Acrylic on Linen, 16 x 20”, 2019. LORY,

亚麻布上的丙烯酸,16 x 20, 2019。

In addition to the influence of Oriental culture, the works of James Jean also have the influence of Italian Renaissance portraits and American culture. The bright and cheerful pictures of some of his works can also be seen in the shadow of his years as a cartoonist.


MONARCH, acrylic on Linen, 48 x 60”, 2019. LORY,

亚麻布上的丙烯酸,48 x 60, 2019。

HARMONY, Acrylic on Canvas, 80 x 60”, 2021. 

和谐,画布上的丙烯酸,80 x 60, 2021

It can be said that James Jean's works, like his early experiences, are a kind of complex of contradictions. With the overlapping images and metaphors, and the fierce collision between classical and modern, James Jean leads the audience into a surreal world created by him. For James Jean, painting is the best way to express his true feelings, even after many years, these works of art can still deep connect him, the people, and the world.




