
被@乾隆 点赞后,第二期全英文节目来了!

传传 中国传媒大学 2023-09-06








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新华社北京8月29日电  国家主席习近平8月28日给参加“一带一路”青年创意与遗产论坛的青年代表回信,强调青年是国家的未来,勉励他们为构建人类命运共同体作出自己的努力。




中国传媒大学 外国语学院 2016级 翻译专业






Welcome to Tanzania!


When speaking of Africa, some people associate it with poverty, famine and plague, yet also some with the wild nature, all-encompassing art and passionate people. Tanzania, located in the central-east part of Africa continent, will present you with an actual image of Africa. Being one of the Least Developed Countries can't deny the fact that it's one of the most stunning places on the earth.



shot at Serengeti National Park


 Located right beside the equator, Tanzania belongs to Torrid Zone and has wet and dry seasons in most areas instead of the four seasons. The weather in July and August is even not as hot as it in Chengdu these days. We didn't need an air conditioner at night and of course, there wasn't any. At a temperature of over 20 degrees sometimes, one local friend said in his T-shirt, "It's freezing in the water. I ain't going swimming!"

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 "If you haven't been to the Maldives or Bali, don't rush to Zanzibar, because the former ones will be dwarfed by the latter." said a friend. I couldn't agree more. (To be honest I haven't been to the former two places at all yet I just can't imagine a place more breathtaking than Zanzibar.)


Sunset at Nungwi beach, Zanzibar


Zanzibar is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Possessing turquoise seawater and clean white beaches, and with pleasant climate, it's been evaluated to one of the three must-go eastern African destinations. For lovers of all things tropical, Zanzibar is the best choice. Scuba diving, local seafood, and all-night-long beach festivals keep attracting a large number of tourists. The well-known historic center Stone Town on the island has been listed as a World Heritage Site.


Artistic paintings by some local artists. Hung on the stone wall and are for sale.


Setting off from the Stone Town and getting on a boat ride, it's easy to arrive at any small island around. Changuu Island for instance, and it is the home to more than a hundred Aldabra giant tortoises.


 Visiters are allowed to ride on the tortoise back and take photos. Even so, the giant tortoises still look chill.


Feeding the tortoises is allowed as well. Yum yum.


The sea at Changuu/Prison Island


Changuu Island is also known as Prison Island. It was used for detaining rebellious slaves in the 1860s. In 1894, the Great Britain built prisons that weren't actually put into use and served as a place of quarantine later on. Nowadays the Prison Island has already become a popular tourist attraction. Fronting the gorgeous gem-like ocean, it's hard to connect it with its brutal history. "This is the only prison where I'd like to get arrested", commented one tourist. Although it sounds he really didn't put himself in the unfortunate slaves' and prisoners' shoes, it proves the beauty of this ocean.


It takes 20-30 mins on a small boat like this to get to the Prison Island. It's thrilling when it gets extremely bumpy in the process. Tourists can go snorkeling off the coast. Heart-quake it is to see corals and tropical fish with one's own eyes instead of from the TV. (sorry no pic here.)


Our boatman was a responsible and considerate pal


 The iconic bridge of Prison Island.


During the time of passengers' several-hour stay on Prison Island, the boatmen would be waiting. There are a lot of boats like this await.



The savanna is a place where nature is at its wildest. It liberates the charm of wilderness and the real beauty of the country shines through its amazing biodiversity and wildlife. Tanzania has designed 25% of its land to wildlife sanctuaries and national parks and the total area is greater than the size of Germany. How cool is that!


Serengeti means "land that goes on forever" or "endless plain" in Swahili. 



Sunrise at Serengeti


Serengeti is the most famous national park. Every July and August is the time for the great migration of animals when a million wildebeests and other animals cross over to the Masai Mara National Park in Kenya. This migration is so epic that's it's been named as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.


The ostrich: Who’s looking at me


One needs luck to catch a glimpse of a cheetah.


 Hi hippo.


Hi buffalo


It's funny how giraffes need to do the splits to drink from the creek.


Elephant and baby elephant


Gazelles (together with zebras in distance)


There live more than 3000 lions in Serengeti. Lions are called "simba" in Swahili. Yes, that Simba in the Lion King. So I realized the lion king is simply named a Lion.


The wild beasts take no interest in our jeeps. But things would get unpredictable once a dummy dares to get out of the jeep.  


View at Ngorongoro Crater


Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a distinctive sanctuary located in a crater of the Great Rift Valley. This is an extinct volcano that has stopped eruption for over two million years. The great volcano resembles a giant bowl inside of which there are grasslands, forests, hills, pools and marshes. Various wild animals came reside for all the appealing conditions, as a result of which "a natural enclosure" has been formed and the crater is referred to as "Africa's Garden of Eden".


The Ngorongoro Crater. The climate's livable without flood or drought, making some of the residents give up their instinct for migration and live comfortably inside the crater.


Zebras are most photogenic.



A UFO shaped cloud viewed above the crater



Dar city


Dar es Salaam means "the house of peace". This port city serves as a leading financial center and Tanzania's most prominent city in arts and culture. In the Ming dynasty, Zheng He once visited Dar during his legendary voyage. What's more, Dar is the only African city included in the route of torch relay in 2008. Sounds very badass. Dar is a strong disproof of a stereotyped poor and undeveloped Africa.


With the tall buildings, Dar is different from what most believe to be poor and underdeveloped despite the fact that most construction here is Chinese project.


There is a picture of Tanzanian former president with our leaders kept in the National Museum in Dar.


What worths mentioning is that you can bargain on anything all the time and for some it has become one interesting part of the tour. However, one foreign traveler can never get a price as low as the locals do. In Tanzania, lots of stuff especially tickets are priced respectively for the local and the foreigners. Being foreign costs you twice, three times or even ten times more than a local. If you haven't got tanned enough or been able to speak Swahili fluently enough, just give in and give the money.


Packman outside the bus window


People can take the ferry to go downtown


Passengers on board



Tanzania is made up of more than 130 tribes, each significant in their own way and even has their own language. Among all tribes, Maasai people, who mostly live in savanna in East Africa, is a legendary one. They are considered one of the tallest people in the world with an average height of 6 ft 3 inches. Their sight can reach 5.7. These people are called a miracle in the history of human evolution. Maasai people are so valiant that according to their tradition, every male needs to kill a lion alone with a spear and a shield in order to pass through the rite of passage to become a man. However, the Maasai don't go hunting in  their daily life. Instead, they are pastoralist and live on the cattle and goats. (They do not eat vegetables which makes me a little jealous.)   Nowadays as lions are under government protection, the Maasai have given up their tradition of lion hunting. Yet they are still referred to as the watcher of Africa.


 Maasai wear a Shúkà which is a typically red robe. The color red symbolizes their culture and is believed to scare away the lions. They wear other colors as well (obviously). On the picture is the unique Maasai jumping dance.


The Maasai cattle we met on the road


 Maasai huts. It's the women who take charge of building the huts. The entrance so narrow that it only allows one person bending over when entering the hut. It is said it's for the convenience of killing the ones who try to break in.


The regular outfit of Maasai women. They have their ears pierced since birth and keep stretching the lobes. The absence of incisors is for the convenience of feeding children medicine. (I need to thank my mom for not using this trick on me when I was little and sassy.)


Most Maasai people insist upon their traditional lifestyle yet some highly educated young people are appearing gradually. The bro in red robe in the picture for instance, speaks rather badass English.


The Maasai are known for their intricate jewellery and have sold these items to tourists as a business. (Like always, you need to bargain)


 A Maasai warrior walking on the beach of Dar city. We encounter Maasai people in cities who are specially allowed taking a spear or stick with them.


数年前,迪士尼动画《狮子王》使得坦桑人民的一句口头禅“hakuna matata”流行了起来,粗略翻译过来是“没关系”“别担心”。这句话是坦桑尼亚居民的生活态度真实写照。这个国家尽管有着不成熟的法律,不完备的基础设施,落后的教育等等,人们似乎仍无忧无虑,不紧不慢。

"Hakuna matata" is a quote popularized years ago by Disney animated film The Lion King which roughly translated as "no problem""no worries". This sentence is the reflection of Tanzanian life——despite immature laws, undeveloped infrastructure and backward education, the people seem still live without hurries or worries.



In Africa, time does not fly. Normally no one would show up until they're already one or two hours late. That's how every appointment turns into a disaster filled with complaints and despair. And that's how African people have been labeled "unpunctual" and how the sometimes pejorative phrase "African Time" appeared. On this land, only the sunrise and sunset are on time.


  But who brought up the definition of "being punctual"? Behind the phenomenon that modern educated people couldn't understand African tardiness lies the contrary philosophy backgrounds. We think time is time itself while African people have used individuals to measure time since ancient times. When we judge African time with our mindset and criticize their not progressing, the fact is that we are attempting to change their pace, being ignorant of their own life philosophy.

△救生衣上也写着hakuna matat。令人不知到底该不该担心。

"Hakuna matata" life jackets. I was worried that I should not worried.



  Wise men say, never label anything or believe in stereotypes. That's true but African people's dancing talent is not a stereotyped image but a vivid accurate one. Tanzanians are good at music and dancing. You can't wander about the streets, sit in a restaurant, take a daladala (bus) or a bajaji (pedicab) without being surrounded with music, either cheerful or melodious. People dance to the beat whenever they want (who can resist those contagious music!) and no one will stare as if it were silly. But you can get bright grins with bright teeth shown for sure.


A bunch of people dancing to the music by the sea in Dar



Most locals are quite curious and passionate about foreign tourists, maybe too much. Walking on city streets and being a noticeable foreign girl, I was stared and yelled at a lot. Things are even more dramatic in countryside. The cute part was when the kids ran over to hold my hand or touch my hair;the kinda awkward part was that the affection those African bros expressed to me was even more than that I could ever receive in my entire life. There were always people trying to talk to me, asking for my number or even proposing to me (nope I'm not exaggerating). Therefore, foreign females need to know how to reject and not to be bothered by all those flirting when walking on Tanzanian streets.


On the street

人们会更多地注意到不同肤色的面孔,这几乎是所有国家的普遍现象。一些坦桑人过于热情主动,这样的行为会使一些人感到冒犯。倒不如把这些经历当作有趣的旅行体验,两三天之后就能在满街的招呼声波澜不惊,并能敏捷地拍开路旁一个三轮车司机趁机伸过来的手,大声告诉他:No touching!

People tend to pay more attention to faces of different races, which is a common phenomenon in almost every country. But it can be offensive to some for some locals are over passionate. Personally I'd rather see it as a piece of amusing traveling experience since I got used to all the yelling in two days and could hit the ill-intentioned hand of a tricycle driver, yelling back at him, "no touching!"

The little girl who ran to me and held my hand


The safety issue is nothing interesting at all. Motorcycling robbery exits even if it's in Dar es Salaam city. Carry your backpack in your front and walk with companions at night. Always put safety at first place.

人类的起源地 非洲 是一片充满野性和灵感的土地。在这里有最震撼的自然风光,最有趣的文化冲击。希望人类都能放下偏见,热爱地球上每一寸土地。世界和平。

Africa, the land full of wildness and inspirations, is the cradle of human beings, where most stunning sceneries and most interesting culture shock can be found. How wonderful it can be if everyone put the prejudice away and love every acre of our earth. Peace out.










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(资料来源:中国传媒大学本科招生网  )


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