

传传 中国传媒大学 2023-09-06



此次获奖的学生中,来自马拉维的毕业生Wallstone Sangala(中文名沃斯,获奖征文题为《通过贸易和投资创造和谐社会》),是马拉维广播公司人力资源部门负责人,2016-2017年就读于“第六届发展中国家国际传播硕士班”,他在读期间就非常关心我国时事要闻及中非关系发展情况。

(左起第七为Wallstone Sangala,该图为“第六届发展中国家国际传播硕士班”参加2017年夏季全校毕业典礼照片,并在“砥砺奋进的五年”大型成就展第五展区教育单元“教育对外开放支持‘一带一路’建设”板块中展出)

另外两名获奖的国际生是来自埃塞俄比亚的在读生Yared Esthetu(中文名雨果,获奖征文题为《从内陆国家到陆上联系国》)和Oumer Enkhtur(中文名林柏,获奖征文题为《我的“一带一路”故事》)。此外,在新近的中央广播电视总台“快乐汉语”节目录制中,Yared Esthetu和Oumer Enkhtur还介绍了我国“一带一路”倡议在埃塞俄比亚的项目-“亚吉铁路”,该项目是中国中铁为埃塞俄比亚设计建造的,为当地第一条电气化铁路。目前,Oumer Enkhtur在中国日报海外版实习。

(“快乐汉语”节目录制现场,前排左起第一、二为Yared Esthetu和Oumer Enkhtur)














Institute of Communication Studies


Founded in April, 2010, Institute of Communication Studies of Communication University of China (CUC) is an integrated institute for the teaching and research of journalism and communication. Prior to the foundation, a personnel restructuring and the reallocation of research resources were implemented to incorporate the edge on communication studies prior to the foundation under the guidance of CUC.


Master's Program in International Communication for Developing Countries, a one-year Englishprogram sponsored by Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Education, aims to train foreign media workers into top talents. It is mainly operated by Institute of Communication Studies. Since the program was undertaken by the institute in 2011, 7 sessions have been held and 182 students from 56 developing countries have graduated as media talents andsenior officials. Their identities are varied, including students from Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Greenland, Jamaica, to name a few.


Fihri H Suleiman

桑给巴尔新闻与大众传媒学院 I.T教师

"When I heard that China was still a developing country, I did not expect to see cities are well organized with social infrastructure. However, since I arrived in Beijing,I have witnessed things completely different from what I imagined."


There are various educational cooperation projects between Tanzania and China. The most notable ones are CSC and MOFCOM scholarships for Tanzanian students and government officials to come and study in China under the sponsorship of Chinese government.


In addition to that, under the help of Chinese government,our president inaugurated the biggest and most modern university library insub-Sahara. Moreover, China has launched the Confucius Institute at the University of Dar es Salaam.



"After graduation I plan to go back to Tanzania and make best use of the knowledge and skills that I acquired from China for a greater contribution to my country specifically on achieving our millennium goal of vision 2020 and strengthening the Sino-Tanzanian cooperation."


"Studying in China was not a carefully thought-out choice. It happened spontaneously, reminding me of how life just ‘happens’. I had dreams of pursuing a master’s degree in Communication in Ghana, but here I am, doing my second Master’s degree in Global Communication here in China."

“我没有怎么认真想,就决定去中国留学了,突然就发生了,这让我感到生活真是充满偶然。我以前一直梦想着去加纳攻读传播学的硕士学位,但现在来中国了, 正为第二张硕士文凭攻读国际传播。”

Robert Chireboah-Ansah


中国传媒大学和加拿大西蒙菲沙大学(Simon Fraser University)合作创办“全球传播双硕士学位国际交流项目” 学生

"I would say China offers one major thing, an incredible international environmentwhich presents cultural diversity to an incredible threshold."


"This diversity is heightened in class, on the subway, in your interaction with people from different backgrounds who have varied views about life. It’s been an interesting learning experience."


"However, it has not been all rosy and perfect. As a person of color, I have met with some unpleasant experiences of racial discrimination. These barriers exist in the form of access to some opportunities, some citizens being very assertive and unwilling to interact with you and people constantly telling you stories of how underprivileged and how poor the people in Africa are, but I did not experience racial discrimination in an equal and inclusive China。"


"My plan after graduation is to work in a Humanitarian organization that focuses on working with children while promoting my fiction books on stories of youth empowerment and development." 


Mass Makoae


“I have been here a while now and my perception of China has changed a lot, from negative one to how I love it. I have seen China constantly changing and have been very impressed by that.”


"There are several educational cooperation projects between Lesotho and China, the biggest being the introduction and implementation of mandarin to international schools in the country. This program has had great benefits as several top students from this program receive scholarships to study in China and further relations between the two countries. "



"I am looking forward to finally joining the cooperative world and contributing my part with the knowledge that I have accumulated over the past 6 years in China."


"The educational cooperation projects between my country and China is the belt and road initiative which makes two country more closer! My company,Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (National Radio and Television of Rwanda) ,has become powerful because the Chinese government invests more to help young producers and journalists to become professional, to learn Chinese language and even to have international experience. "

 “我的祖国和中国之间的教育合作项目是一带一路项目。两国关系由此更加的紧密。我的公司是卢旺达广播电视局(National Radio and Television of Rwanda),卢旺达广播局影响力更大了,因为中国政府加大了投资,帮助年轻的制片人和记者变得更专业,帮助他们学习中文,甚至帮助他们获得更多的国际经验。”

Aline kiberinka



"I decided to participate in this program after getting the opportunity to produce a show about Chinese cuisine and culture! It was a big opportunity for me to know more about them! China is an amazing country with great history! I wanted to see china in person! In additional, the program is in English, international courses China is safe and clean! That’s why I chose China because it is like my country! "


Muhammad Arshad Bhatti


巴基斯坦The Nation报社,Roze TV ,92 News 记者

"I got scholarship here to study for PhD. I was here for my Master’s degree, so I really like to be here and I fell in love with Chinese culture and friendly behavior of Chinese people towards foreigners."


"Pakistan and China have been friends and both countries stand with each other in all situations. The friendship further enhanced with the inception of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative. After the launch of CPEC, a lot of Pakistani students are given the scholarship under China Scholarship Councilto study in the Chinese Universities. The CSC has some agreements with Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for recruitment of Pakistani students to Chinese universities."



"I plan to go home. But I get a chance to stay here and serve this country where I got a lot of love and higher education. I would love to stay here as well. China is second home to me now."




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